An abusive relationship is characterized by verbal (insults and demeaning words), emotional(cheating or neglect), and physical abuse (beating).
Often, most women find themselves stuck in an abusive relationship or marriage and outsiders wonder why this is the case.
Here are 5 reasons most women find it difficult to leave an abusive relationship
1. Lack of financial security
When a woman is not financially independent or responsible for herself, she can become stuck in an abusive relationship because, even though the relationship threatens her life, she still finds financial security in it.
2. Children
Most women often consider what will become of their kids when they leave the relationship. Being a single parent or having kids raised by divorced parents can be a major consideration for them to stay in that abusive relationship or marriage.
3. Religion
Biblical injunction on divorce is also another factor, coupled with how the church looks or views a divorced woman. ‘Whoever divorces his wife, except on the grounds of sexual immorality, makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matthew 5:31-32).
4. Culture
Some women in abusive relationships are afraid of what society and people will say about them or treat them after leaving a marriage.
5. The fear of starting all over again
After everything she has invested in the relationship or marriage, she might feel unable to give them all up to start afresh. Therefore, women in abusive relationships who are afraid of starting all over again will continue to endure whatever the marriage throws at them.
Women must begin to prioritize themselves. As much as it’s not easy to leave everything one has worked for in a relationship marriage, prioritizing one’s mental health is key. And most times the toughest decision produces the greatest results.
Any relationship threatening your peace of mind and happiness is not worth it.