Home Education Bedtime Stories: It’s a dangerous business to be broke and broken…

Bedtime Stories: It’s a dangerous business to be broke and broken…

Bedtime Stories: It’s a dangerous business to be broke and broken…
The writer coming up with the pilot episode for bedtime stories (Photo Credit: NRTC Library)

Bedtime Stories is a News Round The Clock (NRTC) original piece designed to educate, entertain and probe the hearts of our readers. Each episode discusses diverse narratives from the writer’s personal life, perspective and reflection on life itself, amongst other things.

On this episode of Bedtime Stories, we would be making a case for ‘broke’ people. Those who are yet to attain financial independence or achieve that level of prominence.

It would be a long read, hence, the readers are admonished to sit back, relax and munch each word as they come across it.

ALSO READ: Bedtime Stories: The day my mother flogged foolishness out of me for falling in love

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The writer coming up with the pilot episode for bedtime stories (Photo Credit: NRTC Library)

ALSO READ: Bedtime stories: The saddest man in the room

Let’s talk about the broke man and other broken people.

Bedtime Stories: It’s A Dangerous Business To Be Broke And Broken…

Broke man with his empty wallet (Photo Credit: Pulse Kenya)

Being broke is not a joke, especially when you do not have the money to obtain the resources that you desire.

What does it mean to be broke?

Being broke can be described as the lack of resources to meet up with your wants, desires or match up with trend.

To cut the tragic long story short, broke means financial restraint.

It is a lifestyle that requires meager management;, a status that is not suitable for any living human on earth but unfortunately some people just fall into that category either by birth or by their works (laziness and slothfulness).

The major reasons why being broke is extensively negative is because you do not have that feeling of financial security. You know looking people deep in the eye when you speak- wearing the latest designer couture, donating the most abundant offering during church service and making contributions to your society.

We gentlemen have that feeling deep within us; the ego to rule the streets then later the four corners of the world. To enter into a room with an aroma of charisma and still command respect without demanding for it.

There is nothing as awesome as being in charge, becoming the chairman of your own philanthropic ambition.

Finance, investment and money saving. Excited african-american man putting banknotes into wallet, white studio background

Working hard is one thing, being smart is another but earning enough money is the dominant reason why we use our brain.

Our parents go to work based on “financial” responsibility that is bestowed upon them; should I begin to account for everything our parents have to pay for- electricity bills, school fees, house rent, payment of salary (if they are entrepreneurs, self-employed), self-development, etc.

Becoming rich and wealthy is the major reason we work; we all want that money otherwise everyone should be lying down on their bed, trust me that would get you nowhere but massive poverty and total waste of space on earth.

Listen, the wealthy gentleman is respected by everyone; he is not easily downgraded nor frustrated, he drives across the path that poor struggle to go through with his dark shades on a sunny day; while the broke personnel hangs under the tree with his acquaintances wishing away the day.


2129479 – photo of african american man displaying his empty pockets (Photo Credit: Pulse Kenya)

Humility is essential, but never fool yourself being humble does not always bring food on your table daily, constant humility reduces a grown man into a slave and an intelligent lady a horse to ride on.

Equally, humility means lowliness of mind; too much of it leads to contempt, hatred and your face becomes a mirror to sneeze and spit on by other people, steadily depression begins to creep in.

People tend to push broke people around, although you know the reason why you just have no idea how to fight against it.

There is never a good story in being broke, sleeping with garri in your stomach is not a joke, wearing worn out shoes to school is not cool and the inability to feed your family of nine is the apex of being broke, your life must be a cracker if you think it’s a joke.

The broke and broken man knows there is no fun being at the bottom of the table of life, it is alarming for a grown man to be a liability to his family, friends, community and nation.

Being broke construct a wall of difficulties, jealousy and in genuine self-pity, even if you pray to the creator daily you begin to suffer doubt inevitably.

Most times you wonder why your life history cannot be like someone else that is the moment comparison begins to set in, and then slowly you commit slander against others.

A times, the broke man would lie down for several hours wondering and pondering the next time he’s going to eat a delicious meal, how would he update his wardrobe, shoe rack and other essential human wants.

Regardless of how they call everything vanity, man still needs to take good care of himself, his family and act as a blessing upon his friends, in fact touching the lives of others with your resources pleases the Lord.

Do not be deceived loved ones; there are several things to live for on planet earth and enjoying my time to the limit is one of my primary aims down here. I know I would not live forever but I can never die broke, I would become more than a wealthy gentleman and become an overt blessing unto this generation and my descendant.

Now I drop my pen with this, reason deep with me wouldn’t it be unfortunate to die poor on earth and still miss heaven despite your years spent in acute abject poverty, how negative could that be.

The only aim and objective of the average man is top for you is to remember the potter and seek him to mould you according to his beautiful image… to move from the bottom to the top, to disregard the “broke” tag you need to work hard and find the right bearing in life, ask yourself where you stand.