Home Lifestyle How to get your Monday energy on top

How to get your Monday energy on top

How to get your Monday energy on top

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

It’s Monday again? Yes, it is another Monday and as usual it is the start of a new working week. Almost everyone complains about how the weekend goes by so fast. Some folks even advocate that the weekend should be extended to five days!

On Sunday/Monday, people’s WhatsApp status are categorized with memes of lamentations on how it is Monday again. This is not left to the world class alone. Some students fall into deep thoughts on how it is Monday again.

One cannot escape Monday as the start of another work week. People complain about it and still, they have not found a way out of it. Leaving one’s job is not the way out. In this life, man is meant to hence the continual hustle and bustle.

However, we can find ways to keep the energy going so as to be productive and not wallow in work anxiety and stress.

° Set out a new personal goal to achieve every week

You might be wondering why I am saying this. Sometimes, why work or school might be stressful or boring to you is because you don’t have a goal fulfillment you’re anticipating. Now, I’m not talking about a big goal but something really feasible within a week.


° Have a new work mantra every week to keep yourself going

Practice positive affirmations to yourself to keep you going every week. On Monday, your affirmations should be at its peak because it’ll carry you the whole week.

• Practice effective scheduling

Folks are sometimes scared of Monday because they’ve a lot of backlogs they have not completed. It is important for a worker or a student to manage their time with effective scheduling. Even for entertainment or relaxation, please put it in your schedule so as not to overdo it.

• Ensure to have a healthy work relationship

Most people are choked up in work because they’re at loggerheads with most people in their workplace. This does not help productivity. It is important to have healthy work relationships with your coworkers.

Although, a healthy work relationship can only thrive if the work environment is also healthy. Have work friends that bring healthy work vibes to the table

•Your Monday meal should be a course of a king

Yes, you’re working for money therefore eat well. We derive this source of happiness from eating healthy. So on Monday, it is not the time to skip breakfast or drink garri. Eat well within your budget. Treat yourself to something nice and you’ll discover that you’ve gathered strength and enthusiasm for that week.

•Include a 5 minutes break every hour in your work schedule

People get stressed from working head on without a break. We are no machine so we definitely deserve breaks in between work. Include a five minute break every one. At this time, you can stroll one, have a chat or even have a power nap.

°Lastly, make sure you have fun every weekend before Monday.

This might be tricky because you don’t want to overdo it and lose the consciousness of work on Monday but you definitely need to ‘chill’. Fun might be going out with friends, spending quality time with your family or even sleeping as much as you want. The only way you can have fun without it affecting your work life is cutting according to schedule.


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