Home Featured Avoiding these 5 foods can reduce menstrual cramps for women on their period

Avoiding these 5 foods can reduce menstrual cramps for women on their period

Avoiding these 5 foods can reduce menstrual cramps for women on their period

There are no specific foods that all women should avoid during their periods, as the way each woman’s body react to food can vary.

However, some women have shared with us some foods, which when avoided, can reduce menstrual cramps and symptoms.


Found in coffee, tea, and some sodas, caffeine can constrict blood vessels and may increase menstrual cramps.

2.Salty Foods

Excessive salt can lead to water retention and bloating, which are common symptoms during menstruation.

3. Fatty Foods

High-fat foods might exacerbate inflammation and can lead to increased discomfort for some women.


4. Sugary Foods

Sugary foods can cause energy levels to spike and then crash, leading to mood swings and fatigue.

5. Dairy Products

Some women find that dairy products worsen their menstrual symptoms. This might be due to lactose intolerance or hormonal changes affecting digestion.