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Beauty is vain and it’s worth is ephemeral

Beauty is vain and it’s worth is ephemeral

Beauty is vain, vague and vanishes after it has scintillated a room with it’s delectable aura. It’s heinous to rely on beauty, though it is soothing, it isn’t actually sustainable.

In recent times, several young people have preferred to rely heavily on their physicality; the little things that makes them attractive- such as their faces, physique and sex appeal. However, this is ephemeral and serves no real purpose in the ideal world.

Beauty is vain and it’s worth diminishes without any notable skillset, personality, career path and essence attached to it.

Bhadie Kelly, social media sensation (Photo Credit: Twitter)

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The world is amassed with beautiful people, there will always be someone who is physically more attractive than you; someone who has a prettier face, a more muscular physique, taller, a properly aligned dentition. You are not special, you are only as beautiful as the minute is, stack yourself with knowledge, understanding and perception of how the world works.

Who Inspired This Article?

Tik Tok superstar, Kelly (Photo Credit: Twitter)

In 2022, Nigerian men on Tik Tok could not stop talking about the sensational dancer, Kelly. Everyone salivated and stood on awe of her beauty as she wiggled her waist across social media. Flaunting her delectable body, Kelly made several men squander both their data and their time lusting after their screens.

However, like everything else, people got tired and decided to seek the next thrill. Make no mistake, Kelly is still one of the most good-looking women, nonetheless, people understand that aside from twerking and pulling her tongue out, she has nothing more to offer them.

You think say the word dey revolve around your bum bum,” in words of sensational musician, Mr Eazi.

Read recent comments from Twitter users about Kelly.


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What Should Beautiful People Do?

Bella, Big Brother Naija superstar (Photo Credit: Twitter)

Beautiful people should do what every other average-looking person does, apply themselves to the system and desist from seeking validation predominantly for their looks. Get a valuable skill and discover methodologies on how to make a name for yourself and leave a dent in the world.

Twerking on social media only brings cheap dopamine, afterwards, everyone swipes left and keep it moving. All things are only beautiful for the moment.

It is time for many young people to enjoy what they have, however, they must understand that all things are vain and temporary.