Home Featured Coin d’amour: Forgiveness in a relationship is as important as love itself

Coin d’amour: Forgiveness in a relationship is as important as love itself

Coin d’amour: Forgiveness in a relationship is as important as love itself

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Relationships are for people with large hearts

Forgiveness in relationships is as important as love itself. Love doesn’t hold a grudge- for long. Figuratively speaking, if you do not have a large heart, you would not strive long in a relationship. When they say relationship is not for the weak, they are not trying to scare you out. They are letting you know you are in for a tough one.Your partner would step on your toes and even smash your feet with a smile on their face.

Not because they are toxic or something, it happens. If you continue to hold grudges against them, you would put your relationship in a lot of hassle. Like someone once told me, if your partner has not offended you up to 49 times a day, then you have no right to stop forgiving them.

Forgiveness in relationships is key. Two individuals holding a mended heart
Photo Credit:- Adobe Stock
Forgiveness is key in sustaining a relationship
Photo Credit:- Adobe Stock

In last week’s edition, we talked about how being in close proximity with your partner can move from being romantic to annoying in no time.Whatever your partner does wrong to you feels more painful than if it was done by another person.

It is imperative that you forgive your partner to allow for peaceful coexistence and unstrained communication. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to talk about the issue.You are allowed to be angry about the situation but the most important thing is to forgive even if the relationship continues or not.


Easy steps on how to forgive your partner no matter how many times they offend you

“Lately, I found myself keeping grudges against my partner. It felt like she continued to step on my toes even without me being over about the last offense. The irony of it all is that she is not even aware that she offended me “

This experience happens a lot of times. You might be angry with your partner about something they don’t even know that it was offensive to you. That is why you need to express your feelings. Do not suck it in, let them know that they hurt you. That’s the first step to forgiving them.

Always remind yourself of the fact that your partners are humans and that makes them imperfect. Make excuses for them on why they have behaved in a way that seemed offensive. Confront them about it in a loving manner. Expatriate on the issue in a way that highlights your displeasure to their attitude or action. Tell them why you do not condole such an attitude.

If your partner truly loves you, they would admit they are wrong especially if their actions really hurt you.They can apologize about the issue and even promise to change. Believe them but also expect them making same mistake again. Yes! Expect disappointment and you would never be disappointed. Not that your partner does not want to change but old habits die hard, you know. Little by little, they would change their ways.

The ultimate way to forgive your partner is to love them beyond the grudges. Love overlooks the wrong doings of others. If you continue to immerse yourself in your partner’s wrong doings, you’ll find out that you’re absorbing yourself in hate. The aftermath of this is that your love for the person dwindles and the relationship becomes a hassle.


Forgiveness in relationships is a constant cycle that you’ll find yourself doing and in turn too, your partner for you. This I would say again, forgiveness in relationships is as important as love itself. We would always offend one another but what keeps us going is the ability to let things and start all over again. Till next week’s edition, stay loved and love right.