Home Entertainment Coin D’amour: Love at first sight is a delusion

Coin D’amour: Love at first sight is a delusion

Coin D’amour: Love at first sight is a delusion

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I fell in love with you from the first time I set my eyes on you‘. Uhm, please give anyone who says this a bombastic side-eye, a criminal offensive side-eye, yes, that one. At most, you are captivated by the person, but you are not in love with the person yet. Only their physical features attract you. Your feelings have not been tested to be called love. There is practically no love at first sight.

Starting a relationship based on physical attraction, in other words, love at first sight is like a ship bound to sink. Just because they have great dentition, and full hair does not mean they would fit right with you. Or you think he is the man of your dreams because he is a full-bearded rich man. Checking out your boxes for a partner based on physical attributes alone is a dangerous decision.

What do I feel when I see someone attractive to me, is it love?

You like the person, that is what you mean but you have not loved the person yet. It is only God who has loved us even before we were formed. Humans do not have that ability. The best you can feel is likeness when you meet a person. Young folks term the people they are attracted to as their ‘crush’. In some cases, their feelings could be crushed as they grow out of it. Other times, it could blossom into a relationship.

Love at first sight is just infatuation. It is normal to get attracted to a person’s physical attributes but do not tick all your boxes with that alone. You still have to learn what is behind the beautiful faces and fatty pockets they have.

Can you start a relationship with someone you just met but you are attracted to?

Two black couples gazing at each other smiling.

You can start a relationship but not a romantic ship. You can develop a friendship with the person you are attracted to for a few months or more before starting a relationship. They say people who are friends before becoming romantic partners tend to have a longer relationship span than those who do not. Being friends with someone most times exposes you to the true behavior of the person.

It is advisable to start with friendship to gain a bit of knowledge about the person. They call this stage, the talking stage. Even though sometimes, a person cannot tell you all about themselves, spending time before entering a romantic relationship with them will still open you up to who they truly are.


Reasons you should not start a romantic relationship based on love at first sight

There are no two ways to go about this. You are just meeting this person and do not know them yet. You think your feelings are strong enough to sail an ignorant ship of love. If you are not careful, the friendship zone you do not want to be in at first will become your zone after a few months of a failed relationship That is if you manage not to become the person’s enemy.

Not starting a relationship at first sight might prevent you from an eventual heartbreak. Those flaws you would get to know in the relationship might be visible during the friendship or ‘talking stage’. That way, you might save yourself from shattering heartbreak. You would notice some red flags in the course of friendship then you can decide if you want to stay color-blind to it or go further in the relationship.

Love, at first sight, is a delulu

It is high time you changed those pickup lines about love at first sight. They are old and out of the love fashion. Saying from the moment I saw you, I loved you is a wild statement. Oga, don’t have a better trick up your sleeves? If you do not, try again with better lines.

Instead of the regular cliche lines of love at first sight, you can try saying,’ From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to know you to love you’. See, it is more realistic than the usual ones. I trust your creativity to come up with more romantic lines. But let me drop a few I think is better.

‘Yes, I was attracted to you at first but now I love your soul beyond all’.

‘I thought I loved you at first, now, I know you trapped me with your beauty to know the real meaning of love’.

I am not much of a sweet talker myself. Try to come up with something more brilliant and jaw-dropping. Remember, having a healthy romantic relationship is no easy feat, it requires constant effort, willingness, and tolerance.