Home Education Impact of school library on achievement and learning in schools

Impact of school library on achievement and learning in schools

Impact of school library on achievement and learning in schools

Libraries does play an important role as a reliable and beneficial information provider in the students academic success and performance. The aim of is to investigate the students satisfaction with library resources and services provided by the academic library.

About 35% of student’s do come to the library to complete their projects work and assignments. It leads to an increased understanding of the subject through the process of locating information related to the subject.

Impact of library instructions on students

1.) Students benefit from library instructions in the beginning of the academic year course work .

2.) Usage of Library increases student’s success. When students use the library there seems to be increase in their academic success and performance . They achieve higher level of academic performance when they used the library for reference and updating their notes.

3.) Collaborative academic programs and services involving the library, enhances student’s learning.

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Impact of using the academic library

1.) The library assists to improved student retention
2.) Library instruction adds value to a student long term academic experience
3.) The library supports academic rapport of the student
4.) Use of library space relates positively to students learning and better academic