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Now the day is over; The year is drawing near.

Now the day is over; The year is drawing near.

How is our mental health doing as the year 2022 draws to a close? One nearly tastes the smell of the end of the year, which you either love or detest. There is always a surge of unfavourable news and the loss of life, along with the adult question, “Have I done enough?” While the air remains arid with the chilly tanginess of the Sahara.

Usually, at the beginning of the year, we have goals that we set out to accomplish. Whether or not we were successful in achieving all of our goals, the end of the year shouldn’t fill you with dread and hopelessness.

Let’s review a few strategies for maintaining your composure in this article


Since the human mind can only remember a limited amount of information, much of it may stay comfortably dormant in our subconscious until we need it. A fantastic technique to fill your conscious thoughts is journaling. Make a list of the things for which you are thankful this year before deciding that it was a horrible year all around.

Connect with family and friends.

As adults, work has infiltrated our membranes so thoroughly that we may become unaware of others around us. The purpose of keeping track of time is to focus on what matters most, which is our loved ones. So reserve some time to spend with your loved ones.

Also Read: The Body Keeps Count (Part 2): How Excessive Social Media Use Affects Your Mental Health

Emphasize the gift of life

The plain fact is that none of the human endeavours we aspire to would be feasible without life. We frequently place the greatest importance on our careers, objectives, and financial situation as reliable measures of prosperity. Even though this is the case, life still exists and is a wonderful blessing in the current social and economic climate.

Allow yourself to act like a child

Don’t be an unhappy sap who won’t let themselves get into the Christmas mood; instead, take pleasure in the celebrations. Having come this far, reward yourself with great enjoyment by going out and having fun.

Review and plan

It’s the end of a year not the end of the world. Go back to the drawing, and think about ways you can improve your goal, and new ways to work smarter and achieve better. The aim is continuous development, so never stop growing