Home Entertainment Interviews Tech reviews are all about users, quality, – Izzi Boye, tech reviewer

Tech reviews are all about users, quality, – Izzi Boye, tech reviewer

Tech reviews are all about users, quality, – Izzi Boye, tech reviewer

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In this interview, Ogungbayi Faesol spoke with Izzi Boye, a prominent Nigerian tech reviewer on YouTube. Izzi shared insights about his journey, approach, and the evolving landscape of tech reviewing.

Q: When did you start reviewing tech, and what was your very first review?

A: Izzi Boye: I started reviewing tech in September 2019. My first review was the Samsung Galaxy Note 10

Q: How has your approach to reviewing tech changed over the years?

A: Izzi Boye: “I’ve mostly adapted my content to be more relatable. I’m trying to make my reviews less technical and a bit more narrative. I’d also like to believe my content is still adapting or ‘evolving’.”

Q: What’s the most important quality you look for in a tech product?

A: Izzi Boye: “User experience, productivity potential.”

Q: Beyond specs, how do you assess a product’s user experience?

A: Izzi Boye: “The typical use case of the average consumer. How can this product handle the average usage of someone who is not particularly thinking about what the specs on paper say? So I try to use it from the POV of a regular person while also testing other possible use cases.”

Q: Have you ever had to completely change your opinion on a product after further testing?

A: Izzi Boye: “I always keep my mind open when it comes to tech products, no matter how many I get to use. So, yes, there have been cases where a product has done much better after the initial review, and other times where it has done worse too.”

Q: How do you balance the pressure to get reviews out quickly with providing in-depth analysis?

A: Izzi Boye: “When I started, it was a race to post the videos as soon as possible because the earlier you can get your video out, the easier it is to get views before the bigger guys take all the views. However, as time progressed, I got devices early enough to use properly before a review. I can only review one product at a time, so I prioritise and take them individually when there’s too much to do and pressure. The reviews must be quality over quantity.”


Q: What’s the biggest misconception people have about tech reviewers?

A: Izzi Boye: “We get so many free phones and have a lot that we can give away. We buy most of the phones we review. Brands send some phones, but not all brands and even those that do won’t send you all their products. And we still have to return some of these phones sent by brands.”

Q: Have you ever gotten negative pushback from a company about a review? How did you handle it?

A: Izzi Boye: “Yes. There’s not much I can do about it other than to keep creating. The videos are for the audience, not the companies. The companies reach out to you because they want a piece of the audience. If you want to stay honest/objective with your reviews, there are companies that might not appreciate your objectivity and blacklist you for it. It should only bother you if the reason you do these videos is to be in their favor.”

Izzi Boye on Instagram

Q: What are your favorite perks (or challenges) of being a tech reviewer?

A: Izzi Boye: “Perks – I get to try new tech, get invited to awesome tech events, meet amazing people. Get to be nerdy and still be appreciated for it because you’re adding value.

Challenges – Financing. Reviewing tech is expensive. Also, no matter how objective you try to be, people will find fault with your content, the way you talk, the way you dress, your looks… it goes on. But it comes with the job description. Doesn’t bother me much.”

Q: Looking ahead, where do you see the future of tech reviewing going?

A: Izzi Boye: “I’d say it’s still very young, especially in this part of the world. It will only grow bigger. People will respect the opinions of tech reviewers more than what they see in marketing materials.”

Izzi Boye’s journey as a tech reviewer is a testament to the passion and dedication required to thrive in this industry. His insights offer a valuable perspective on the challenges and rewards of being a tech reviewer in Nigeria.