In the land of change and the time of need; Anger, frustration and disappointment have become the emotions of the Nigerian majority sailing through hardship.
Time is beginning to feel different as businesses in Nigeria asphyxiate.
Is this the beauty of democracy? One pertinent question to beg.
Time and again, corruption and nepotism are as rife as ever, with regional party leaders running their local fiefdoms like mafia godfathers.
Majority are simply emboldened, floating on an ancient tide of superiority, buoyed by the fact that history had never told them anything different.
Dearth of policymakers and incisive political commentators rise to the challenge all the time—but it takes energy. Nigerians are tired of this anguish, the proposal of great weight is to solve the basics.
Things cannot continue as they are, hence, the need for the emergence of a new consciousness. Who will see such purview, and the binge is the new naira policy!
A true coquette, flashy and sweet and alluring Frankenstein all at the same time.
Vote buying is becoming one of our political quirks among individuals lobbying political preeminence; wherewith, naira redesign is the opposing lunatic fringe.
The birth of new naira is reforming while cashless policy is anachronistic.
The onus is on the masses.
Remarkable leaders have emerged in recent times to steer us to safety, sequel to the pandemic of naira scarcity.
The awry presidency’s contempt of court, inadvertently leaving all gobsmacked, resultantly, ushered in upheavals.
Repugnant vandals livid by the relish of Endsars memorial now bask in euphoric acrid agitations across states.
Remember, dynamic jingoism only needs a spark set off anywhere to lead it into final fatal explosion, threatening peace and orderliness.
READ ALSO: Analysis: Will new notes scarcity reduce vote-buying?
Fickle intricate days ahead. A stitch in time saves Nine. Let it be on record that I pleaded. God’s will be done!
Whao! This is sweet and so interesting to read.💕
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