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Why do men die young?

Why do men die young?

This is a question that many people ask, especially women who are concerned about their male partners, relatives or friends.

Genetics, lifestyle, environment, health, and social factors significantly impact men’s life expectancy. Blog explores reasons men die earlier than women and suggests preventive measures to narrow the gap in life expectancy.

Risky Behaviors

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One of the most obvious reasons why men die young is that they are more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, driving fast, using drugs, fighting, gambling and having unprotected sex.

These behaviors can increase the chances of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and liver disease, as well as causing accidents, injuries and violence.

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), men account for 80% of all deaths from road traffic injuries, 64% of all deaths from interpersonal violence and 60% of all deaths from suicide.

Lack of medical help

Image Credit: WHO

Another reason why men die young is that they are less likely to seek medical help when they have health problems, or to follow preventive measures, such as screening tests, vaccinations and check-ups.

Men may avoid going to the doctor because of fear, embarrassment, stigma, lack of awareness or lack of access.

They may also have a tendency to ignore or downplay their symptoms, or to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs.

This can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment of serious conditions, such as cancer, hypertension, depression and HIV/AIDS.

Occupational hazards

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A third reason why men die young is that they are more exposed to occupational hazards, such as physical strain, chemical exposure, noise pollution and stress.

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Men are more likely to work in jobs that involve manual labor, heavy machinery, construction, mining and agriculture.

These jobs can cause injuries, disabilities and diseases that can shorten their lifespan. Men are also more likely to work long hours, overtime and night shifts, which can disrupt their sleep patterns and affect their mental and physical health.

Social and economical factor

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A fourth reason why men die young is that they are more affected by social and economic factors that can influence their health and well-being.

Men are more likely to experience poverty, unemployment, homelessness and social isolation than women.

These factors can limit their access to health care, education and social support. They can also increase their stress levels and reduce their coping skills.

Men are also more likely to face discrimination, violence and oppression based on their race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

What can be done

These are some of the main reasons why men die young. However, this does not mean that men are doomed to die early or that nothing can be done to change this situation. There are many ways that men can improve their health and extend their lifespan, such as:

  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking and drinking moderately.
  • Seeking medical help when they have health problems or concerns, and following the advice of their doctors.
  • Taking advantage of preventive measures that can detect and prevent diseases early, such as screening tests for prostate cancer and colon cancer.
  • Reducing their exposure to occupational hazards by following safety rules and regulations at work.
  • Seeking professional help when they have mental health issues or substance abuse problems.
  • Building strong social networks that can provide them with emotional support and guidance.
  • Challenging the stereotypes and norms that pressure them to act in certain ways or hide their feelings.
  • Advocating for their rights and interests in society and politics.

By taking these steps, men can not only live longer but also live better. They can enjoy a higher quality of life that benefits themselves and their loved ones. They can also contribute positively to the world by sharing their talents, skills and experiences.