Tuesday, 02 July, 2024

3 signs you might not be in a good place mentally

poor mental health

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Our mental health plays a crucial role in how we live our daily lives. Sometimes, we might not even realize that we’re not in a good place mentally.

Certain habits and behaviors can be subtle indicators that something is off. Here are three signs that you might not be in a good place mentally.

1. You never wear your best clothes

One sign that you might not be in a good place mentally is if you never wear your best clothes. Maybe you have a special outfit or favorite dress that makes you feel amazing, but it just sits in your closet.

You might think, “I’ll wear it when I feel better,” or “I’ll wear it when something special happens.” By saving your best clothes for a later time, you might be telling yourself that you don’t deserve to feel good now.


2. You never light your best candles

Another sign is if you never use your favorite things. This could be anything from your best candles to your nicest dishes or even your favorite perfume.

3 signs you might not be in a good place mentally

If you find yourself saving these items for a special occasion that never seems to come, it could mean you don’t feel that today, or any day, is special enough. This can be a sign that you’re not giving yourself permission to enjoy small pleasures in life.

3. You save your best health and wellness products

Lastly, you might notice that you save your best health and wellness products for later. This could be special lotions, fancy soaps, or other products that make you feel pampered. If you keep these items stored away, waiting for a day when you feel more deserving, it could be a sign that you’re not valuing yourself right now.

Keep this right in your left palm

If you recognize these signs in your life, it might be a good idea to take a step back and think about how you can start treating yourself better. You deserve to feel good and use your favorite things now, not just in some distant future when you think you’ll be better or more worthy. Taking small steps to appreciate yourself today can make a big difference in your mental well-being.

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