Thursday, 19 September, 2024

August 26: Events that happened today in Africa over time

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It is another edition of marking notable events that happened today, August 26 in history. Today, we will be narrowing our search to Africa. We’ll be looking at notable events that happened today in African countries.

1993- Ernest Shonekan appointed as Interim President by Ibrahim Babangida

In the year 1993, the political status of Nigeria was in chaos. The June 12 general elections was annulled plunging the democratic dream of Nigeria to chaos. In August 1993, the then head of state, Ibrahim Babangida resigned and appointed Ernest Shonekan, aged 57 as the Interim President.

The late Ernest Shonekan
The late Ernest Shonekan

Prior to this, Ernest Shonekan was serving in the corporate world as Chairman and Chief Executive of the United African Company of Nigeria. Upon taking power, Ernest was not able to control the political chaos in Nigeria which affected the country’s image in the world font. Opposition saw him as an illegitimate leader. He tried scheduling another presidential election but all his efforts proved abortive.

The country’s economic state was in shambles and his tenure was marked by commotion.The very much expected end happened no sooner than November 18, 1993 when General Abacha overthrew his government in a palace coup d’Ć©tat.

2013- All 25,000 applicants failed University of Liberia entrance examination

In August 26, 2013, the intellectual community of Liberia was thrown into shock when students failed to pass entrance examination into the University of Liberia. The examination fee was about $25.The failure was linked to the effect of the civil war that happened in the country. The prolonged war (1989- 1997) led to an intellectual mess which the country was yet to recover from. It was reported that candidates “lacked enthusiasm and did not have a basic grasp of English”.

University of Liberia.
Photo Credit: University of Liberia| Facebook


2014- Ɖquateur Province Ministry of Health confirms an outbreak of Ebola to the WHO

In 2014, there was an outbreak of Ebola disease in West Africa causing a pandemic. In August 2014, the Democratic Republic of Congo reported the outbreak of the disease following the death of 13 people. But it was discovered that the strain of the virus affecting the folks there was different from the 2014-2015 Ebola Virus. Regardless, the virus was part of EBOV Species.

Ebola crisis in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Ebola crisis in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Photo Credit: MSF

2018- Emmerson Mnangagwa becomes President of Zimbabwe

Emmerson Mnangagwa succeeded Robert Mugabe as the president of Zimbabwe. This was no easy feat to achieve. Before then, Emmerson who served as a Vice President under Mugabe’s regime was fired following his rift with the first lady.

President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa
President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa
Photo Credit: Getty Images

For Emmerson to take over the government, a coup d’Ć©tat happened on November 14, 2017 and he was reinstated into power as president. But he was not sworn in as President until August 26, 2018. Emmerson Mnangagwa, 81, popularly known as “crocodile” has been active in politics from a young age. His present political party is the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front.

The President of Zimbabwe has also served in various political positions before moving to the executive positions. In 2018, he was part of Time’s Magazine 100 Most Influential People. In 2023, he was re-elected President bagging 52.3% percent of the votes.

However, the report regarding this election was not on a good note because there were reports about election rigging and malpractices. Additionally , this was also a similar trait to the 2018 election that brought Emmerson in as an executive president.

Heroes’ Day

Every August 26 in Namibia is marked as Heroes’ Day to commemorate the Namibian War of Independence which started in August 26, 1966 in Omugulugwombashe. This day is to dedicated to celebrate fallen war heroes from the war.

Heroes' Day.
Heroes’ Day.
Photo Credit: Holidays Calendar

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