Monday, 16 September, 2024

Bluetooth 6.0 will accelerate device pairing

Bluetooth 6.0 will accelerate device pairing

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has announced the release of the Bluetooth Core Specification version 6. 0 with some features, enhancements, and changes as follows:

One of the key updates included in this article is the Bluetooth Channel Sounding which allows one to measure the distance between devices accurately. This has potential uses in enhancing Bluetooth-dependent item tracking and keyless entry with geofencing. Another important addition is Decision-Based Advertising Filtering which has been proposed to improve scanning in Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Extended Advertising. This feature, despite its name, makes it easier for users to search for Bluetooth devices by performing an initial search through them and over the results of the scan decide whether further curiously should be done to achieve the connection, which is beneficial for faster connections.

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Also, with the help of Bluetooth 6. 0, there are Monitoring Advertisers that are a smart filter that detects how close the devices are to each other and if it is not close enough, then it will save energy by not looking for a device all over again because it is not near as it was before. This function while also helping in energy saving also helps in achieving better proximity awareness by eliminating redundant advertising signals.

There have also been developments on the Isochronous Adaptation Layer (ISOAL) which have included a new framing mode that reduces latency and increases reliability, especially for audio that requires low latency. The general LL Extended Feature Set has been extended to enable devices to exchange link layer feature information properly. Moreover, Bluetooth 6. 0 optimizes frame spacing allowing devices to discuss shorter or longer periods between frames that can lead to more effective data transfer.

Existing devices adopting Bluetooth 5. x will not get the update to support Bluetooth 6. 0, and there is no known roadmap for the launch of hardware with this technology added.

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