Wednesday, 19 June, 2024

Tinubu will build on my achievements– Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has said the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) presidential candidate, Bola Ahmed Tinubu will build on his eight years achievement if elected as president of the country on Saturday 25th of February, 2023.

President Buhari said Tinubu is reliable, a true believer in Nigeria who loves the people and the development of the country.

Buhari on his Facebook page called on Nigerians to cast their votes for the former governor of Lagos State.

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The President added that he was fully aware of the current hardship the citizens are facing as a result of some policies of the government which are meant to bring overall improvement to the country.

While assuring Nigerians of light at the end of the tunnel, he appealed for further exercising of patience, saying his led administration will took appropriate measures to ease the hardships.

Buhari wrote: “Fellow Nigerians, I want to use this opportunity to once again thank you for electing me to be your President on two occasions.

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“I am not a contestant in this election, but my party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), has a candidate in the person of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. As I mentioned before, Tinubu is a true believer in Nigeria, who loves the people and the development of our country.”

“I am calling on all of you to vote for Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. He is reliable and I trust he will build on our achievements.

“Finally, I want to once again assure you that I am fully aware of the current hardship you are facing as a result of some policies of the government which are meant to bring overall improvement to the country.”

“I am appealing to you to exercise further patience as we take appropriate measures to ease these hardships. God willing, there will be light at the end of the tunnel,” Buhari said.

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