Saturday, 29 June, 2024

Category: NRTC English

NRTC English

The word “severally” can be confusing because it looks like it might mean “several times,” but it actually has a Read more…

NRTC English

The correct use of the idiom is “A problem shared is a problem halved,” not “half-solved.” This idiom means that Read more…

NRTC English

English can sometimes be tricky, especially when it comes to grammar rules. One common mistake many people make is using Read more…

NRTC English

Many Nigerians often say, “The taste of the pudding is in the eating,” thinking it means you can only know Read more…

NRTC English

What is the simple present tense? The simple present tense is a way to talk about things that happen all Read more…

NRTC English

If you want to make sure your sentences are clear and correct, one thing to watch out for is a Read more…

NRTC English

In English, we often use imperatives when we give commands or instructions. Imperatives tell someone what to do, like “Close Read more…

NRTC English

In English, many words sound the same but have different meanings. These words are called homophones. One example is “suite,” Read more…

NRTC English

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They tell us more about people, places, or things. But did you know that Read more…

NRTC English

Understanding the correct usage of “alumna,” “alumnus,” “alumnae,” and “alumni” can be tricky for beginners. These words commonly refer to Read more…