Home Lifestyle Relationships Coin d’amour: Insensitive Gifts You Should Not Buy Your Partner in this...

Coin d’amour: Insensitive Gifts You Should Not Buy Your Partner in this Economy


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I will be throwing shade at some people in this article. But trust me, it is in no way personal or anything. I am just here to share an opinion. Gifting your partner is one of the sweetest love languages one can ever exhibit. It is not just about the gift, it is about the thoughtfulness put into its purchase. It doesn’t have to be something so pricey- it has to be valueless and important to your partner.

Sometimes, it feels like romantic partners gift each other things just for the sake of doing it. I am not saying that you should not overwhelm your partner with gifts but also consider its thoughtfulness. You are not gifting to show your net worth, It is more about the emotional value the gifts hold.

Now, it is time to let my cats out of the bag. Are you still interested in knowing gifts I consider insensitive in this economy? If yes, just scroll down, I got you.

1. Bouquet

Uhm, let us stop pretending like we as Africans in Nigeria find flowers romantic. Let me tell you something, people who do are trying to find it romantic. Those bouquets cost as much as something more tangible and relatable to your Naija boo or bae. For something that withers easily, it costs quite a lot in the Nigerian economy. Except, you can confirm your partner is an original lover of flowers and this is not by mouth alone, please do not think of a bouquet as a staple gift for them. If not broccoli or edible vegetables, please rethink your decision to get your partner a bouquet.

Everlasting Flower bouquet.
Everlasting Flower bouquet.
Photo Credit: Rainbowly Fresh Fruits Gifts

2. Teddy Bear

Arrgh, sometimes people who get this as gifts are not teddy bear freaks. Their partner thinks of it as something fancy and announcing and thereby gets it for them. Some girls claim they love teddy bears but the last one they had was gotten by their parents for them when they were just toddlers. If as a partner, you channel the cost of a stuffed teddy into another thoughtful gift, it might be much more appreciated.

Photo Credit: Ubuy Nigeria


3. Money cake

Whoever thought of the money cake concept had no idea that Nigerians were going to abuse it. I normally wonder what the fuss is about money cakes. Is it that when those notes are stacked up high to form a cake-like design, they have more value? Please, just wire the money to your partner’s account and save us the show-off. It is not like I am a bad belle, think of it, it even saves you from the temptation of Naira mutilation.

Daddy Pamper Money Tower Cake Bouquet
Photo Credit: Jiji.ng

With the impecunious state of the nation’s economy, we have to be wise in our spending and dealings. I for one appreciate thoughtful gifts that leave lasting impressions. Well, if you buy me business shares, I find that more thoughtful than a bouquet or teddy bear. To me, I find this more future-inclusive than the other teddy bears. It means you see more than an entity to woo or spoil for a while.

Actually, as humans, the perception of our beliefs and the stance that we give people also influences how they treat and value us. If you are perceived as a materialistic person, you may get more intangible materialistic gifts. As an individual, carry yourself with value such that all that comes your way is valuable. Till the next edition of Coin d’amour, love right and stay loved.

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