Sunday, 30 June, 2024

Democracy Day, Twitter Ban, and Reactions

On June 12, Nigeria would mark her Democracy Day anniversary amidst speeches and reflections. It would be recalled that in 1999, the nation had her first democratic elected president. 22 years later, many Nigerians are demanding for dividends of democracy. Freedom of speech is fast becoming a luxury as the government is devising means to shut the people up.

There are some instances the government have tried to impinge on the rights of the citizens. One of such situations is during the #EndSARS protests. The events of October 20, 2020 is often remembered by the people as they were shot at for exercising their fundamental human rights. In a democracy, peaceful protests are the rights of the citizens. However, the people get arrested for seeking an end to bad governance in the country.

Read Also: #EndSARS Thrives as Courage Triumphs Over Fear

It will be recalled that the peaceful protests against the reopening of the Lekki Toll gate – where unarmed citizens were shot at by Nigerian soldiers- were disturbed by the government as about 40 persons were arrested on that day, including popular comedian Debo Adedayo (aka Mr. Macaroni).

Source: Twitter

On June 12, Nigerians are taking to the streets again to protest against insecurity, among other issues bedeviling the nation. The people have refused to be cowed. Constant threats and arrests do not move them as they seek a better nation for all.

Read Also: Widespread Agitation Against the Reopening of the Lekki Toll Gate

Nigerian government bans Twitter, Makinde reacts

About a week ago, the Nigerian government banned social media platform, Twitter, in the country. This act has been condemned by many persons from various sectors in the country. Nevertheless, some citizens use VPN as an alternative means to get access to the platform. This alternative, which the government has criminalised, did not deter the youths from tweeting against the ills of the government.

The response of the governor of Oyo state, Seyi Makinde sums up the action of the government.

“I believe the Federal Government should be actively interested in how certain policies and action will affect investor confidence. I, therefore, use this medium to appeal to the Federal Government to reverse this suspension for the greater good of Nigerians”. ~ Gov Seyi Makinde

Governor Seyi Makinde (Image: Seyi Makinde/Facebook)

“Twitter has become the platform for young people and indeed all Nigerians to exercise their fundamental right to express and publish an opinion. They use the platform to complain, argue and give feedback to government and its agencies who in turn, use these to improve policies. This is a fundamental point that should be kept in mind as we debate the necessity of this suspension.

“We should also remember that Twitter has gone beyond a source of communication for many of our hardworking youths in Nigeria. It has become a source of livelihood for many, irrespective of their political affiliations or religious leanings.

“Nigerian youths and digital communications organisations earn a living from being able to use the platform to post communications on behalf of their clients. Others who may not have physical stores also rely on Twitter to give visibility to their products and services,” Makinde said.

Read Also: The Cruelty of Nigeria’s Security Operatives on the Citizens

As the youths march against insecurity, bad governance, and other challenges in the country on Democracy Day, the leaders in government have been advised not to interfere in the peaceful protests.

Nigeria may be going through some tough times resulting from bad leadership. However, the people are not tired of demanding for the dividends of democracy.

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