Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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El Click, Cristiano Ronaldo and wife Georgina

When Cristiano Ronaldo said in an interview that he is not married to his girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez, of nine years because he has not felt a click, the comments went into a frenzy. What do you mean by a click when you have two kids with this woman? This same woman mothers your other four children. What more do you want?

Cristiano Ronaldo and his girlfriend
Photo Credit: Men’s Journal

Most times women are advised to create a space of emotional security for themselves in a relationship. I do not find any reason justifiable as to why he does not want to marry her when he finds her good enough to settle down with. Settle in this case does mean marriage.

You might say he does not trust her with his assets. Well, I do not think you should continually live with someone you do not trust for that period of years. Marriage is a unified sign of commitment to your partner not just a life rite. Through marriage, you mark your boundary with a person which the law and the society recognize. Getting married to a woman shows how much you respect and honor her. I think the football legend just wants to eat his cake and have it at the same time.

Cristiano Ronaldo and his family


Why are people scared of getting married? 

Cleveland Clinic calls it gamophobia, which is the fear of long-term commitment. These sets of people feel they would not do well in a long-term marriage but here is the ick, Cristiano has been with his girlfriend for ten years so we might have to cancel gamophobia.

Another fear people constantly harbor about marriage is that they feel marriage takes away the fun of being together. It makes the relationship serious. Nobody judges your marriage so you and your spouse should focus on making yourself happy. Have fun, do not kill the vibe in your marriage just because you want to appear seemingly responsible to the world.

Additionally, people avoid marriages to breach the generational cycle of broken marriages. Avoiding marriages is not the way out of it. The way humans are wired, we all need companionship to thrive in life. You always find yourself wanting to get close to someone to make you feel safe. The solution to this is not avoiding the institution but seeking help from experts and professionals.

This article will be incomplete without me saying this. Marriage is a key to emotional security for a woman much more than a man. As a woman, you have to allow your relationship to take the right course of track even before birthing kids for a man. Having kids outside of marriage means you have fulfilled almost all the dictates of marriage without following the right order. Strife to create a balanced emotionally secure platform for your children and marriage is that platform not necessarily long-term relationships.

Eyitayo Ajayi
Eyitayo Ajayi
Eyitayo Jemimah Ajayi is a fashion and entertainment content writer who likes to review outfits and bring to reading sustainable fashion styles. She dabbles into movie and song reviews and sometimes she can be an unapologetic women's rights activist.


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