Sunday, 30 June, 2024

Eriata Ese narrates how stranger sponsored her Dubai trip

Nigerian reality star, Eriata Ese has taken to the social media platform, Instagram to narrate how a stranger sponsored her trip to Dubai.

According to the former Big Brother Naija contestant, the benefactor gave her the sum of N3 million without demanding anything from her.

The reality star added that she has been in contact with the benefactor only virtually for over two years, however, they have never seen each other.

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Eriata went on to claim that the benefactor admonished her not to offer anything in return as it was a simple act of benevolence.

Read her post below:

“Someone I’ve never met but known for 2+ years gifted me N3 million for my trip.”

She continued, “I’m amazed. Told the person “I have nothing to offer u o, why would you gift me that much?”

“And the person said ‘Because I see how you struggle for yourself, you deserve it…”

Eriata Ese continued, “… I don’t want anything from you, just keep being contented with the life u are living and keep being the good girl that u are; just don’t change.”

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