Sunday, 30 June, 2024

You weren’t re-elected, you selected yourself, Falz tells Sanwo-Olu

Nigerian musician and actor, Folarin Falana, popularly known as Falz has said Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State was not elected by the masses but selected himself in the Saturday’s election.

Falz who was replying to the governor’s ‘thank you message’ via Twitter stated that everybody saw what unfold during the gubernatorial election. 

Babajide-Sanwo-Olu-Lagos – Image credit: Twitter

He added that Mr. Sanwo-Olu was only deceiving himself. 

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Falz ‘reply read: “You were not re-elected. You selected yourself. Everybody saw it unfold. You are only deceiving yourself.”

Recall that Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu was declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as Lagos State governor-elect in the early hours of Monday. 

INEC Returning officer, Adenike Oladiji announced that Mr. Sanwo-Olu polled a total of 762,134 votes against his main challengers — Olajide ‘Jandor’ Adediran of the People Democratic Party (PDP) who secured 62,449 and Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour of the Labour Party (LP) who got 312,329 votes.

Falz reply to Mr. Sanwo-Olu tweet.

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