Tuesday, 25 June, 2024

Heartbreak High Season 2: The mistaken concept of boy hate non-feminists perceive

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

It is not easy to put out an agenda without infiltration. Many men think of feminism and its agenda as plots of women to tarnish their image. They feel women use their biological makeup against them. Some men do not feel safe because society is always blaming them for any woman’s misfortune.

For example, if there is an issue of rape, it is most likely that the man is found guilty or even if he is not, his image has received a dent that might not be evitable. In the teenage high school series, Heartbreak High, the displeasure of men towards society seeing them as every woman’s problem was one of the main themes in the movie.

In the first season of Heartbreak High, a sexual curriculum was incorporated into the curriculum to enlighten students on their sexual lives. Miss Obah was the one in charge of taking the SLTs(Sexual Literacy Tutorial) classes. Miss Obah was very efficient in taking the classes without bias. But women are victims of sexual harassment are more than male so it is natural if the focus is more on them.

Heartbreak high 2 (Photo Credit: Netflix)


It is not easy to balance a concept without tilting to one side. The female gender has been looked down upon for so long but now that it is receiving the appropriate recognition, it feels like it is too much. Some men feel their masculinity is being threatened.

Feminism is not boy hate nor is teaching girls how to protect themselves from sexual assault

Balancing concepts might be difficult because we focus on the seemingly more important part than the others. Miss Obah in Heartbreak High knows that curbing sexual acts among teenagers and adolescents might not be possible but encouraging safe practice is much more feasible. How do they not regret their act or exploration afterward?

More often, girls are the victims of sexual assault or disgrace, and most youths tend to suffer after a breakup or something. So when it feels like the focus is more on girls, it is just an effect of the history of women’s subjugation.

Some men say women’s inclusion is men’s seclusion. That is how they see it through their lens. How do you help a girl not to get stuck with the consequences of sexual behaviors she did not perform on herself? You teach her how she would find herself in the situation beforehand. Young folks are curious, you cannot prevent them from having sex but you can at least teach them the right way.

Feminism is borne out of women’s agitation of being mistreated, underrated, underestimated, and maltreated. While we are not blaming this on the other gender, we are just raising awareness such that the gender standards are elevated. Women have a place in the society because they are humans. No one is hating on men except in extreme cases when there have been incidences of psychological trauma. At this point, it is the work of the psychologists.

Men should rather support feminism unless there is a cold war on gender

Till the last episode of Heartbreak High Season 3, The boys of Hartley High still did not believe that the girls were not against them. In showing their agitation, they ended up burning down the school. This incident is a metaphor for what happens if we do not allow feminism to take its course. Women have become too woke to be subdued under male oppression.

It is the age of gender revolution and it did not just start now. Over the last century, feminism has received all kinds of opposition yet it stood its course taking on different forms in response to the opposition. Feminism cannot go away, it can only be accepted

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