Wednesday, 18 September, 2024

How are you exposed to online risks?

How are you exposed to online risks?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Youā€™ve been warned over and over that youā€™re at risk while online, but what are those risks exactly? Letā€™s go over how youā€™re vulnerable online and how you can fix it.

How You’re Vulnerable

There are a lot of ways youā€™re leaving yourself wide open to attack by online criminals and the manipulation of marketers. Some of them arenā€™t under your control: for example, events like the Dropbox Sign data breach couldn’t have been prevented by regular users. Thatā€™s all on the service youā€™re using.

However, there are ways in which many people are practically inviting online cybercriminals to do their worst. Below are the most common.

A picture that shows a weak password.

One of the ways we unintentionally make things easier for cybercriminals is by using weak passwords, or worse, reusing them across different accounts. Weak passwords are particularly risky because they can be easily cracked through a dictionary attack, where hackers try common password combinations until they find a match.

Reusing passwords is even more dangerous, as it increases the risk if a breach occurs. If your password gets exposed in one breach, that account is compromised. But if youā€™ve reused that same password elsewhere, those accounts become vulnerable as well. While a breach might not be your fault, maintaining good password hygiene is crucial for your online security.

Another way you’re exposed online is through tracking. While some of this is done by cybercriminals, much of it comes from more legitimate sources, such as big tech companies and, in the U.S., your internet service provider (ISP).

This tracking happens in various ways. ISPs can monitor all the traffic you generate, while websites use tools like tracking cookies or browser fingerprinting. The data collected is then used to build a profile of you, which is sold to advertisers for targeted ads. Though the process isn’t highly complex, it generates significant profits for tech companies.

These risks are certainly serious, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Some precautions are straightforward, such as limiting your use of social media and being mindful of the sites you visit and the data you store. Additionally, there are tools available to enhance your security; let’s explore three types.

Fixing your weak passwords is the biggest issue, so letā€™s deal with it first. You need toĀ create strong passwordsĀ that can withstand dictionary attacks. This means that they need to be random, use different kinds of characters, and need to be long. This increases whatā€™s calledĀ password entropy, or the strength of a password.

Of course, remembering these passwords is next to impossible for most people. This is whereĀ password managersĀ come in. These programs generate, store, and autofill passwords for you. They effectively replace your memory with their own, meaning you no longer need to remember passwords and can use strong passwords for all your sites. The veryĀ best password managersĀ will even alert you if youā€™ve duplicated passwords.

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