Wednesday, 22 January, 2025

How to pronounce words (like liquor, croquet, quasi) that contain “qu” in English

NRTC English

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

In most English words, “qu” is pronounced as /kw/. This means the sound is a combination of the /k/ sound, like in “cat,” and the /w/ sound, like in “water.” Here are some examples:

  • Queen: /kwiĖn/
  • Quick: /kwÉŖk/
  • Question: /Ėˆkwɛs.tŹƒÉ™n/
  • Quiet: /ĖˆkwaÉŖ.ət/
  • Quarter: /ĖˆkwɔĖr.tər/
  • Quilt /kwÉŖlt/
  • Quack /kwƦk/
  • Quiver /ĖˆkwÉŖvər/
  • Quantity /Ėˆkwɒn.tÉŖ.ti/
  • Quarter /ĖˆkwɔĖr.tər/
  • Colloquial /kəĖˆloŹŠ.kwi.əl/

In these words, the “qu” forms a single sound, and the tongue starts at the back of the mouth to make the /k/ sound, then moves forward slightly to make the /w/ sound.

If you are a keen learner, you will notice that in all of the words above, the “qu” begins all the words except “Colloquial /kəĖˆloŹŠ.kwi.əl/”, and this pattern forms a general rule.

NRTC English
NRTC English: How to pronounce words (like liquor, croquet, quasi) that contain “qu” in English

Words where “qu” is pronounced as /k/

Some words in English come from other languages, especially French and Spanish. In these words, “qu” may not follow the common /kw/ sound. Instead, “qu” is pronounced as /k/ without the /w/ sound. Here are some examples:

  • Liquor: /ĖˆlÉŖkər/ (from the Latin “liquor”)
  • Tequila: /təĖˆkiĖlə/ (from Spanish)
  • Unique: /juĖˆniĖk/ (from French “unique”)
  • Technique: /tekĖˆniĖk/ (from French “technique”)
  • Antique: /ƦnĖˆtiĖk/ (from French “antique”)
  • Oblique /əĖˆbliĖk/
  • Conquer /Ėˆkɒŋ.kər/
  • Mosquito /məĖˆskiĖtoŹŠ/
  • Opaque /oŹŠĖˆpeÉŖk/

In these cases, “qu” is pronounced simply as /k/. This pronunciation occurs because these words have been borrowed from languages where “qu” is naturally pronounced as /k/. English kept the spelling but adapted the pronunciation.

Usually, the pattern is found in words that end in “que” like opaque, antique, unique, technique, etc. In addition, words that end in “queue” always have their stress on the last syllable.


Words with unique pronunciations or exceptions

  • Quay /kiĖ/ – A platform beside water where boats dock (pronounced like “key”).
  • Quinoa /ĖˆkiĖnwɑĖ/ or /kÉŖĖˆnoŹŠ.ə/ – A type of grain, with two common pronunciations.
  • Quotient /ĖˆkwoŹŠŹƒÉ™nt/ – The result of division in mathematics.
  • Croquet /kroŹŠĖˆkeÉŖ/ – A game played on a lawn where balls are hit through hoops.
  • Qatar /kəĖˆtɑĖr/ or /ĖˆkƦtɑĖr/ – A country in the Middle East (note the different pronunciations).
  • Queue /kjuĖ/ – A line of people waiting for something (pronounced like “cue”).
  • Quinoa /ĖˆkiĖnwɑĖ/ or /kÉŖĖˆnoŹŠ.ə/ – A seed often used as a grain, with two common pronunciations.
  • Quasi /ĖˆkwɑĖzi/ or /ĖˆkweÉŖzaÉŖ/ – Resembling but not exactly the same as something (pronounced differently based on usage).

Why are there different pronunciations?

The reason “qu” has different pronunciations in English is because English is a language that has borrowed words from many other languages. When English adopts a word from another language, it often keeps the original pronunciation, even if it doesnā€™t follow the usual English rules. This is why some “qu” words sound different.

Summary of patterns in “qu” words

  1. /kw/ Sound: Most English words with “qu” follow this pattern, especially those that are native to English or derived from Latin.
  2. /k/ Sound: This pattern is common in words borrowed from French, Spanish, or other languages where “qu” is naturally pronounced as /k/.
  3. Unique Sounds: Some words have evolved to have unique pronunciations that don’t fit the general patterns, often due to historical changes in the language or regional differences.

Test of Orals

For each word given below, choose the word from the options (A-D) that has the same “qu” consonant sound as the given word.

1. Liquor

      A) Quick
      B) Queen
      C) Antique
      D) Quiver

      2. Tequila

      A) Quarter
      B) Quiet
      C) Unique
      D) Quake

      3. Unique

      A) Quench
      B) Question
      C) Mosquito
      D) Quilt

      4. Quay

      A) Queue
      B) Quick
      C) Quote
      D) Quip

      5. Queen

      A) Quilt
      B) Question
      C) Quinoa
      D) Quiver

      Kindly leave your answers in the comment section.

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