Saturday, 29 June, 2024

Mc Oluomo has no immunity, take up case of attack against him, if you have evidence– Police Force PRO

The Police Public Relations Officer, CSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi, has asked anyone with evidence of attacks against the Chairman of the Lagos State Parks and Garages Association, Musiliu Akinsaya, known as MC Oluomo, to file a case.

CSP Adejobi made this known via his Twitter handle on Tuesday in response to a Twitter conversation on MC Oluomo’s behavior during the just concluded March 18 gubernatorial and the house of assembly elections in Lagos State.

CSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi.

He said MC Oluomo has no immunity, adding that there is no need to pass judgement or do a trial on Twitter.

ALSO READ: MC Oluomo allays fears over garages, parks’ takeover

A Twitter user, AjammaS, in a tweet condemned Adejobi for failing to protect electorates during the election after calling on Nigerians to discredit MC Oluomo’s remark about Igbo in a viral video, and assured them of safety during the election.

AjammaS tweet, “Sir you are also guilty, if I may say. This is what you said in the TV interview, and I quote. ‘MC Oluomo threat is a joke, let’s take it as a joke until he perfect the threat. I urge everyone to go out & cast their votes’.

“Now Nigerians heeded to your calls & went out to cast their votes and unfortunately you failed to protect them as you promised. They were attacked by MC Oluomo & his boys, some were murdered, brutalized, blinded, some are currently receiving treatment in different hospitals.”

ALSO READ: Imo Lawmaker, Rt. Hon. Innocent Arthur Egwim, dies in Lagos hospital after surgery

In Adejobi’s response, he asked AjamaS to file an attack case against Oluomo if he had evidence against him.

He said, “You can take the case of attack up with MC if you have a case or evidence of attacks against him. Many people and lawyers, even the Deputy Gov of Lagos, have said it severally. He has no immunity, so if you have a case of attack against him, take it up.

”“There is no need to pass judgement or do trial on Twitter. Very simple. Many of you just follow others to raise this issue on Twitter.”

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