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National Stress Awareness Month: How to manage stress


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Just today the fuel scarcity hit Nigerians hard. Returning from work seemed almost impossible as transport fares had skyrocketed and the possibility of getting a means of transportation is now the business of the ‘Survival of the fittest’. There is no fuel for people who are willing to buy even at the exorbitant price. This is a stress alert! Watch your blood pressure.

Nigerians and their jamjama, 5&6. They are one of the most hardworking sects of people you can meet. Anything they do, they try to put their all in it. The scenario of a man working seven jobs at once is not scarce. He has a physical salary-paying job, a remote job, a farm, and a business. Such a man becomes a Jack of all trades. His mantras would be ‘The hustle is real‘ or ‘Steady grinding‘.

Nigerians know that their hard work takes a toll on their health but they still keep at what they do. After all, what can men do except work so they would not go hungry? Hard work is the only honest way to put food on one’s table. Despite all, we must give the body its rest. Our body is our powerhouse and it needs rest so it would not shut down when we least expect it to.

National Stress Awareness Month

The National Stress Month has been in commemoration since 1992. It is marked every April to inform the people about the negative impact of stress. Stress and anxiety take different forms that people are oblivious to. You might not be doing strenuous work but you are stressed mentally. Well, it is also possible that you might not be worrying about anything in particular but your mind is all over. Then, you are mentally exhausted without knowing.

Photo Credit:- National Day Calendar

What is stress?

‘Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall well-being.’– World Health Organization.


There are so many causes for Nigerians to be stressed, for example, one might be plunged into worry because of the insecurity in the country or because of the economic situation of the country. People’s relationships are supposed to be a source of comfort or joy to them but most Nigerians find themselves in toxic relationships.

Over 9 million Nigerians suffer from stress. 90% of illnesses that affect Nigerians are caused by physical exhaustion. If one is stressed, he is susceptible to other illnesses. Nigerians even take pride in saying they are stressed. They are chasing the bag such that when they travel abroad, they engage in so many jobs to make more money.

Stress most times leads to anxiety and then to depression. Most people fall into depression and have suicidal thoughts. Suicide should not be an option for anyone. According to various religions, there is no peace in eternity for people who die by suicide.

How to manage stress

One cannot eliminate stress. Stress is very much inevitable, it is our plight as humans. Humans need a reasonable amount of stress to be motivated to work. Stress can be combated if the stress-inducing factor is tackled. Many times, it is not possible to solve the issue causing stress all at once.

Sleep is one of the certified ways to manage stress. Ironically, most people suffering from this exhaustion find it hard to sleep except when it is induced. Rest is one of the ways to relax one’s mind and an avenue to drift into unconsciousness. To ensure that you are relaxed, make your resting area dimmed lightly and well-ventilated.

Some experts would say that if you are mentally or physically exhausted, you should stay away from your electronic devices. Well, they are right but if scrolling through your social media page and watching diverse content help you relax, then go for it. If it is ‘Netflix and chill’, go for it. The main goal is to destress.

If possible, stay away from what bothers you for some time. You might need to take a vacation or leave a toxic relationship as the case may be. It is not possible to avoid stress but it is wise to stay far away from any potential stress. Life is stressful enough to add more problems to your plate.

If you cannot manage your anxiety yourself after trying for a while, you must see a therapist or a certified psychologist in that field. Do not keep mute., see someone. It might not be easy to destress if you are used to it.


The motto for this year’s ‘National Stress Awareness Month’ is ‘Little by Little’. Appreciate the little steps you take to achieve a goal. Managing stress is crucial to one’s total well-being. Prioritize your rest and find little ways to destress. Take breaks when necessary. The world moves on after the death of many. Rest my friend, Body no be firewood.

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