Saturday, 29 June, 2024

Ooni of Ife takes new bride months after divorce (Photos)

Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, the Ooni of Ife, has married a new wife, Mariam Anako, about nine months after the former queen, Prophet Naomi Silekunola announced her separation from the renowned monarch.

The spokesman for the monarch, Moses Olafare, shared photos and videos of the event on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

It was also gathered that siblings of the new queen and Oba Ogunwusi were present at the private ceremony.

See photos from the ceremony below.

Mariam Anako, the new bride

ALSO READ: Queen Naomi, Ooni of Ife’s estranged wife speaks against domestic violence

Check out more photos below.

The wedding ceremony is coming 10 months after Naomi Silekunola, the last wife of the monarch announced their separation.

Prior to his coronation, the monarch was previously married to Adebukola Bombata in 2008 but the marriage failed. After being coronated, Ooni married Edo-born Zaynab-Otiti Obanor in 2016 but the union lasted for 17 months before their separation.

Ooni then married Silekunola in 2018 and the marriage produced a son before the divorce announcement in December.

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