Sunday, 30 June, 2024

Sanwo-Olu receives Certificate Of Return

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), has issued Certificate of Return to Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, and his deputy, Obafemi Hamzat on Thursday.

Mr. Sanwo-Olu was re-elected on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, having gathered 762134 votes to defeat his closest, Labour Party’s Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour, who polled 312,329 votes and Olajide Adediran of the People’s Democratic Party who scored 62,449 votes.

Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu and his Deputy.

Mr. Sanwo-Olu and his deputy were accompanied by their wives to INEC’s office in the state to receive the Certificate of Return.

The governor via his Twitter handle appreciated the people of Lagos State for their overwhelming support and trust in his leadership.

He further thanked the entire team that worked tirelessly on his campaign and the good people of Lagos for their unwavering support, saying the Certificate of Return belongs to all of them.

Mr. Sanwo-Olu tweeted: ” It is a great honor to receive my Certificate of Return from INEC today. I am deeply grateful to the people of Lagos State for their overwhelming support and trust in my leadership. I want to thank the entire team that worked tirelessly during the campaign and the good people of Lagos for their unwavering support.

“This Certificate of Return belongs to all of us, and together we will take Lagos to greater heights. I want to reiterate my commitment to serving the people of Lagos with integrity, transparency and dedication. The task ahead is daunting, but with your support and cooperation, we can achieve great things.”

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