Sunday, 30 June, 2024

States spend N1.7tn on trips, meals, others — Report

In the first nine months of 2023, the 36 states that make up the federation have spent N1.71 trillion on recurring expenses, like as allowances, overseas travel, office supplies, aircraft upkeep, and more.

This is based on an examination of their budget performance reports, which were obtained from Open Nigerian States, a website that houses government budget data and is supported by budgIT. Twelve states had data for the first two quarters of the year, while 24 states with budget implementation data for the first three quarters of the year were examined by NRTC.

The states cumulatively spent N802.43bn on salaries across the data period available. If salaries were added, total recurrent spending would have been N2.52tn.

Other recurrent spending items covered in this report include the amount spent on foreign and domestic travel, Internet access fees, entertainment, foodstuff, honorarium/ sitting allowance, wardrobe allowances, telephone bills, electricity charges, stationery, anniversaries/special days, welfare, aircraft maintenance, and more.

Of the 36 states, only 30 states have disbursed security votes (N87.45bn) so far. Also, the total borrowings of the states grew to N988bn as of the third quarter of 2023.

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[…] States spend N1.7tn on trips, meals, others — Report […]

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