Friday, 28 June, 2024

Tinubu congratulates Aruna Quadri on ITTF Africa Cup triumph

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

President Bola Tinubu has congratulated Nigeria’s table tennis trailblazer, Aruna Quadri, following his victory at the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Africa Cup.

In a statement issued by Tinubu’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, it was revealed that Quadri secured a decisive win in the final match of the 2024 ITTF Africa Cup held in Rwanda, reaffirming his status as Africa’s premier table tennis player.

Tinubu praised Quadri’s unwavering commitment to excellence, highlighting his remarkable victory amidst formidable challenges.

Aruna Quadri

He lauded Quadri’s determination, resilience, and innovative spirit as emblematic of the outstanding qualities exhibited by Nigerians.


President Tinubu also acknowledged the recent strides in Nigeria’s sports sector, citing notable achievements in events like the African Games, the Africa Cup of Nations, and the World Relay Championships.

He underscored his administration’s steadfast dedication to nurturing the growth and advancement of sports throughout the nation.

Furthermore, the President assured Nigerians of his administration’s unwavering commitment to expanding opportunities across various fields for Nigeria’s vibrant and creative youth.

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