Wednesday, 26 June, 2024

Tinubu departs Lagos for South Africa Tuesday

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

President Bola Tinubu will leave Lagos State on Tuesday to attend President Cyril Ramaphosa’s inauguration in Pretoria, South Africa.

This was announced in a statement on Monday by Tinubu’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale.

President Tinubu will return to Nigeria after the event.

Bola Tinubu [PHOTO CREDIT: NRTC Library]

President Ramaphosa’s inauguration follows his re-election for a second term.

He was re-elected on Friday after his humbled ANC formed an unprecedented coalition government.

In Cape Town, lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to reinstate the 71-year-old Ramaphosa for another five years following the May 29 general election, which produced no clear winner.

This recent election marked a historic shift for South Africa, ending three decades of African National Congress (ANC) dominance, the party once led by the late Nelson Mandela.

The ANC, which led the struggle to end apartheid, won only 40 percent of the vote and, for the first time, lost its absolute majority in parliament.

Subsequently, it struck a deal to form what it calls a government of national unity.

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