Sunday, 30 June, 2024

We’ll continue to motivate workers for optimum performance – Aiyedatiwa

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Ondo State Governor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, has affirmed his administration commitment to prioritising the welfare of civil servants in the state.

In a statement, Governor Aiyedatiwa’s Chief Press Secretary, Ebenezer Adeniyan, conveyed that the governor made the commitment during an interactive session on Monday with the top echelon of the state civil service in Akure.

The governor during the event [PHOTO CREDIT: CPS]

The governor expressed appreciation to the Head of Service, Permanent Secretaries, and all Accounting Officers for their unwavering support to the administration and the government formerly led by the late Oluwarotimi Akeredolu. 

ALSO READ: Ondo Poll: No Automatic Ticket For Aiyedatiwa – APC

He emphasised his hope that the support and cooperation the administration has been receiving since its inception would continue without interruption.

“As the Accounting Officers in your respective MDAs, you have great responsibilities on your shoulders.  You are duty bound to account for both the management of human and material resources in your MDAs.  You should also see yourselves as part of the government and ensure that all government programmes in your various MDAs are effectively and efficiently executed.

“It is my belief that no administration can fly higher than the delivery capacity and capability of its Bureaucracy. Hence the welfare of the bureaucrats is placed in the front burner of this administration and we will continue to prioritize the well-being of public servants. 

ALSO READ: Gov Aiyedatiwa hails NSE first female President 

“It is with this clear understanding that I have directed the payment of the January 2017 outstanding salary arrears as well as directed the continuation of the palliative transport for public servants.”

Aiyedatiwa and other attendants [PHOTO CREDIT: CPS]

Governor Aiyedatiwa pledged to consistently inspire workers for peak performance. He assured that the selection of new Permanent Secretaries would prioritize merit, contingent on vacancies and requirements.

The Head of Service, Pastor Kayode Ogundele lauded the governor for his contributions to the workforce since his inauguration.

ALSO READ: Ondo Governorship Poll: Governor Aiyedatiwa meets APC stakeholders, preaches unity 

He also committed the unwavering support and loyalty of the civil service to the new administration.

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