Few days ago, an Ekiti State based chef, Damilola Adeparusi who is also known as Dammy, announced a 120 hours cook-a-thon. After being influenced by Hilda Baci’s feat last month.
Social Media Observations
This has led to a lot of criticism by some observers on social media who mostly believe that the timing of Chef Dammy’s cook-a-thon is wrong, considering that Hilda is yet to be officially confirmed by the Guinness World Records.
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While some disagree, it is worth noting that chef Dammy is also being spurred on by others who believe that the sky is big enough for multiple birds to fly at the same time without colliding.
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However, there comes a time when competition actually becomes unhealthy and unnecessary. While on one hand, competition can be a good thing, but this one for me falls under the unhealthy spectrum.
Most people would agree that the morally decent thing for chef Dammy and numerous other cook-a-thon enthusists to do was to keep supporting Hilda. Damilola could have at least waited for Hilda to be confirmed by the GWR before attempting to topple her feat.

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Unhealthy Competition’s Prevelance in Society
This debate sheds light on the numerous unhealthy competition that is prevalent within our society today. Once someone opens a barber shop in the city centre that is doing well, then every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to open their own barber shop.
This explains why you have ten churches on one street in Nigeria. It also explains why there has been a plethora of life coaches and so called self-help gurus coming up in the past decade, in the wake of other successful black coaches.
Need For More Collaboration
The question we need to ask ourselves, is why can’t we stand behind our own and show support? Why the need to always create another alternative and drive unhealthy competition?
I think it’s important that we support each other and create a community where we recognise our individual talents. Just as we are all unique and support the best amongst us, and in so doing, identifying and recognising our own talent.
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We can’t all be CEOs, but we are all gifted in our own ways and more energy should be devoted to recognising your own strengths rather than everyone copying and plagiarising every next good thing.
We shoud learn to synergise more, support those gifted amongst us by being more collaborative and not compete unnecessarily. Don’t get me wrong healthy competition is good but we should eschew unhealthy competition at all cost.
It is not a bad idea to be inspired by someone’s achievements. But, it is equally vital to utilise the energy gained from this in a healthy and positive way that benefits you and your community at large. Rather than copying, and ending up unhappy or unsuccessful because the idea does not align with your purpose or to your skills set.
Finding Your Purpose
The key is to learn new skills whenever you get the chance, seek for volunteering opportunities to gain valuable experience, support others who are doing well, and avoid becoming a copycat and a plaigiriser.
Good luck, and I wish you success in finding your purpose. Remember to compete healthily and collaborate more.
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