Sunday, 30 June, 2024

Yul Edochie says Igbos are envious of themselves

Controversial Nigerian actor, Yul Edochie has stated that there is jealousy among the Igbos.

He shared this opinion on his Instagram platform on Wednesday, October 11.

According to the second generation Nigerian actor, there is “too much jealousy and envy amongst Igbos”.

Yul Edochie

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The actor, who is also of Igbo extraction from Anambra State, stressed that a successful Igbo man’s enemy might be members of his family.

He called on his fellow Igbo indigenes to change and do better, asking them to stop the envy and the competition.

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“Too much jealousy and envy amongst Igbos. Why??

If you’re doing well as an Igbo person, your biggest hater is your fellow Igbo person. Sometimes even your family members. Igbos we need to do better. Why?

“We’re great. Stop the envy. Stop the competition. Things change when we address them,” he said.

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