Friday, 28 June, 2024

AFCON: Host nation, Ivory Coast lose 4-0 to Equatorial Guinea as Nigeria advance to next round

Host nation, Ivory Coast lose 4-0 to Equatorial Guinea as Nigeria advance to next round

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The host nation of the 2023 African Cup of Nations (AFCON), Ivory Coast (otherwise known as Cote D’Ivoire) might be on their way out of the competition after losing 4-0 to Equatorial Guinea in Group A.

Following their abysmal performance on Monday night, they will be finishing the group in third place. This means they will await results from other groups in the coming days to determine if they will advance to the next stage as one of the six “best losers”.

In another Group A clash, the Super Eagles of Nigeria finished in second place after defeating Guinea-Bissua 1-0 courtesy of a first half own goal from Bissau’s defender, Opa Sangante.

Host nation, Ivory Coast lose 4-0 to Equatorial Guinea as Nigeria advance to next round
Host nation, Ivory Coast lose 4-0 to Equatorial Guinea as Nigeria advance to next round

ALSO READ: AFCON: The 8-times the Super Eagles embraced Bronze medal

Ivory Coast on the verge of elimination
Equatorial Guinea top Group A

Guinea-Bissau have been eliminated from the competition after failing to secure a point.

It is important to note that they are the first team to exit the 24-nation tournament.

Here is how Group A finished after match day 3:

Group A Standing (Photo Credit: X)

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