Sunday, 06 October, 2024

Finetuning feminism to survive in the Nigerian cultural system

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Feminism is an ideology that has been screaming her presence for quite some time. We can agree that a tangible amount of folks in Nigeria have refused to acknowledge it as a possibility in Nigeria. They see it as too foreign and unrealistic to work in the Nigerian cultural system. Apart from the adulterated meaning people think feminism is, there are a lot of controversies surrounding the ideology.

Feminism like some other concepts believed in Nigeria today came from the West. Though the mode of practice differs from how the idea originated, we have found a way to tailor it to our taste. But before we do that, we need to have adequate knowledge about what the concept is. This way, we are sure we are doing things the right way. They say, to know the rules before you break them.

What is feminism

The International Women’s Development Agency says, ‘Quite simply, feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities’. If you were oblivious to the fact that feminism is gender inclusive, onboard it to your knowledge database. It is not a power overthrow from the male gender, it preaches inclusivity, equality, and equity.

Feminism poster showing cores aspects of feminism
Photo Credit:- Basics

So many people have shared the idea that while inclusivity and equity may be possible, equality may not find a standing ground, especially in the Nigerian system. The men still want to mount those tables solely. Feminism in Nigeria emanated as a response to women’s oppression. Some cultures in Nigeria see a woman as nothing more than a ‘housekeeper,childbearer and, bedwarmer’.

Women in turn after centuries of being classified as the weaker gender sought to break free from the chains of gender limitations. Someone once said a woman is a ‘wombed man’. She is very much a human with anatomical structures to house a baby and make procreation possible. A woman has thinking abilities and is very versatile in all sectors of life.


How can feminism work in Nigeria?

We know the objectives of feminism now. It does not seek to belittle men. There are variants of feminism and time and situation have determined the manifestation of feminism. How can feminism work in Nigeria?

First, we need to scrap the notion that feminists are witches. The agitation of gender oppression sometimes drives women to embrace the concept. If women were treated well and not less because of their gender, there would have been no need for feminism to take root. We should agree there is a cultural dysfunction that does not hold women in high regard. Then, we can reach a consensus.

Cultural leaders should realize that women’s objections and suppression are not on the right side of any book. Feminism is not as toxic as the support of a culture oppressing a sect of humans. Most cultures have ruled out various obnoxious acts due to the advent of civilization and enlightenment.

Some girls lack the opportunity to further their education because some cultures still ‘catch them young’ for marriage. While their husbands are eligible to study to any length, they are expected to stay put with their offspring. And if their husbands see it fit at a point to see them to school, they hop on the opportunity with conditions. That is if they ever get one.

Cultural leaders should take it upon themselves to disseminate the importance of the girl child beyond mere homebuilding. The way to understand people’s behaviors and acts is through culture. Sometimes, to understand a person’s behavior, you need to understand their culture.

Feminism may be regarded as a hard pill to swallow but access to education is a basic human right. No culture should prevent anyone from accessing the education they want. It is a violation of the basic human rights of the person. Cultural leaders are the sole proprietors in disseminating the gospel of feminism that applies to the well-being of the female gender in Nigeria.

Global alliances are crucial to the success of feminism in Nigeria.

Nigeria in partnership with provisions of the SDGs can make feminism possible. Inculcating feminism is a sub-arm of the SDG-5, Gender Equality. With Nigeria’s membership in the UN, she is responsible for making the goal achievable by 2030. We might be able to fight this alone but with the right alliances, we stand a chance.

Global alliances will open Nigeria to another dimension of civilization. Economic empowerment is a crucial tool in eliminating gender parity. Economically stable countries have lower cases of gender-based oppression than developing countries. Though only we can know the best way to paddle our feminism boat, we can use a little help from here and there.

Symposiums, seminars, and conferences on the dangers of gender marginalization need to take ground. The people need to be sensitized on the way feminism is the better pill to swallow. The world is meant for us all to conquer hand in hand and not by gender by gender.

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