Thursday, 19 September, 2024

Hard Truths: 3 things not everyone will do for you on your birthday

Hard truths: 3 things not everyone will do for you on your birthday

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Birthday is the one day of the year when youā€™re allowed to eat cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner without anyone batting an eye. It’s your special day, the anniversary of your grand entrance into this world.

But as you grow older (and hopefully wiser), there are a few hard truths about birthdays that you just have to embrace in life or become comfortable with, if you want to enjoy your birthday with a big smile on your face.

1. Not Everyone Will Wish You Happy Birthday

Picture this: It’s your birthday morning, and you’re eagerly checking your phone, expecting a flood of ā€œHappy Birthday!ā€ messages. But alas, itā€™s just a message from your mom reminding you to pick up milk on your way home. Ouch! Hereā€™s the thing ā€“ not everyone will wish you a happy birthday. It’s not because they donā€™t care about you. Itā€™s just that people have their own lives, struggles, and, letā€™s be honest, terrible memories.

Some might be battling their own personal demons or simply juggling a hundred different things at once. For others, it might have genuinely slipped their minds ā€“ just like how you sometimes forget where you put your keys even though you just had them. So, don’t take it personally. The ones who truly matter will remember, and the rest, well, theyā€™re probably dealing with their own chaotic lives.


2. Not Everyone Will Post About You on Social Media

In this age of social media, a birthday seems incomplete without a barrage of posts, stories, and statuses dedicated to you. But hereā€™s a spoiler alert: Not everyone will post about you on their WhatsApp statuses, Instagram stories, or Facebook timelines. Itā€™s not because they don’t think you’re awesome. It’s just that not everyone expresses their affection online.

Some friends might be the ā€œIā€™d rather call and talkā€ type, while others might prefer to celebrate in person. Also, some people might just not be into the whole social media scene. They might love you to bits but posting a flashy birthday message just isnā€™t their thing. So, don’t let the lack of online shout-outs make you feel any less special. Your worth isnā€™t measured by the number of social media posts you get.

Hard truths: 3 things not everyone will do for you on your birthday
Hard Truths: 3 things not everyone will do for you on your birthday

3. Not Everyone Will Send You Money or Presents

I know birthday presents are sweet anticipation. But brace yourself ā€“ not everyone will send you money, cash, or presents. Yes, itā€™s a bummer, but hereā€™s the scoop: Different people are going through different things in their lives. While some might be able to shower you with gifts, others might be in a tight spot financially or emotionally.

It doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t care about you. In fact, they probably mean well and wish they could do more. Sometimes, a heartfelt message or a warm hug can be more valuable than any material gift. Remember, itā€™s the thought that counts, and the people who truly care about you will find their own special ways to show it.

So, let go of these outdated expectations and embrace the reality of growing older. Enjoy your day, savour every moment, and remember that the best gift is the love and appreciation of those around you ā€“ whether they remember to wish you or not, post about you or not, or send you presents or not.

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