Friday, 04 October, 2024

US: How Obama Created Trumpism

As the political upheaval in the US continues, the world watches on in disappointment. But most people both within and outside the US are not surprised.

The part Donald Trump has played in the unravelling saga by denying the results of the US elections and acting like a third world dictator is also not surprising. But what is surprising and a step too far, is his incitement of violence on democracy in the country he leads.

Attack on US Democracy

While an insurrection incited by the President is unheard of in American politics, there is nothing unusual about Donald simply being Trump. He is a time bomb waiting to explode; a toddler unable to resist the urge to throw his toys out of the proverbial pram.

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The US House of Representatives proceeded last week to impeach Donald Trump. This move makes him the first President in American history to be impeached twice.

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However, the focus of this article is to look into the role of ex-president Barack Obama in creating Trumpism. This is simply defined as ‘a political ideology and movement which emboldens far-right populists who are radicalized by president Donald Trump’s nationalist rhetoric and anti-immigrant stance‘.

The Obama Effect

Seasoned political observers believe that the success and accomplishments of the Obama administration are partly to blame for Trump becoming President in the first place. Hillary Clinton became the pawn in a chess game whereby her victory would have been seen as Obama’s third term.

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Obama – the first Black President in US history – is thought to have provoked a reaction that led to the emergence of Trumpism.

Read Also: Four Lessons Learned from Michelle Obamaā€™s Podcast

An African-American first family in the White House was a new experience. Barack Obama’s unblemished personal record seemed like an unbelievable fairy-tale. And his style of politics is completely unique.

These are only some of many reasons that gave rise to a chain reaction of events which led to millions of Trumpists voting for a narcissistic and eccentric leader.

8 Years of Obama Provokes a ‘Whitelash’

Some observers have also described the emergence of Trumpism as a ‘whitelash‘. According to Wikipedia; “White backlashĀ orĀ white rageĀ (sometimesĀ white rage backlash)Ā Ā is the negative response of someĀ white peopleĀ to the racial progress of otherĀ ethnic groupsĀ in rights and opportunities, their growing cultural parity, political self-determination or dominance”.

The grace and poise with which Obama ran his administration awoke insecurities in the far-right and white supremacist movements. Those who constantly create conspiracy theories of how minority ethnic groups will dominate and take away white privileges and entitlements.

White Supremacy

White supremacy ideology stems from the delusional assumption that all white men are created superior. And that white dominance has to be preserved even if it comes at a considerable cost to the nation.

Members of Proud Boys, a white-supremacist group supporting U.S. President Donald Trump, stage a rally in Washington on Nov. 14, 2020, protesting the outcome of the Nov. 3 presidential election, in which Democrat Joe Biden won. (Photo by Kyodo News via Getty Images)

In summary, the unprecedented success of Obama’s campaign and subsequent victory as President ignited the fears that led to the search for a white saviour in Donald Trump.

Believing that not only was he going to rescue them, but that he was also going to help them tarnish Obama’s achievements as it was unbearable for them to accept that a Black man could have led the country so succinctly.

Trumpism Enablers

Those who condoned Trumpā€™s divisive rhetoric from the onset are the enablers who have allowed him inject poison into American politics. A poison that is not only threatening to America but is also a concern to global peace.

As the far-right have gained so much momentum under him, the radicalization has also spread to some European countries. The effect is creating a big challenge for intelligence agencies in those countries.

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It is however, sad to see how the Republican party hierarchy never saw the bad signals President Trump was sending from day one in office; playing dirty politics along racial lines to rile his base who are now out of control.

Food for Thought

Imagine for one second: If Obama was to do a tenth of what Trump has done in his time in office or said a tiny fraction of some of the things Trump has said. Then you can rest assured that the reactions and implications would be predictably different.

Lastly, I strongly believe in the saying that, ‘Love always trumps hate’ – no pun intended. And with this quote, I rest my case.

Praying for peace to prevail in America. Hoping that love will conquer hate in a country that prides itself on its position as a world leader. But which now needs the prayers of the ones it supposedly leads.

God bless America!

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