Home Lifestyle 5 reasons why most men love and prefer submissive women

5 reasons why most men love and prefer submissive women

A submissive woman and her husband

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Why do most men nowadays still prefer submissive women? In this article, I talked to a number of men to gather insights into this preference.

Here are five top reasons why most men still prefer and love submissive women.

1. Submissive women don’t always question their husbands’ whereabouts

This freedom that the men enjoy gives them every opportunity to do whatever they like outside, including cheating.

2. Submissive women are easy to control

Less nagging, fight or quarrel from the woman will translate to more peace in the house and most men love their peace of mind.


A submissive woman and her husband
A submissive woman and her husband

3. Submissive women are god-fearing

Men, especially pastors and preachers, love submissive women because submission is according to God’s words as written in the Bible.

4. Men’s ego matters

Submissive women love and adore their men and most men love women who massage their ego and sing their praises.

5. Men spend less in the house

Men often spend less because submissive women are understanding and mostly housewives who take a good care of the house, children, and every other thing, including feeding.

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