Sunday, 02 June, 2024

FG declares Friday and Monday as public holidays

Minister of Interior Rauf Aregbesola has some questions to answer on the Jos Prison break

The Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, has declared Friday, April 21 and Monday, April 24, 2023, as public holidays to mark Eid el-Fitr celebration.

Aregbesola on behalf of the Federal Government disclosed this in a statement by the Permanent Secretary, Dr Shuaib Belgore on Wednesday.


The Minister fecilitated with all Muslims for the success of this year’s holy month of Ramadan, admonishing them to imbibe the practice of love, tolerance, peace, self-denial, sacrifice, and good neighborliness as exemplified by the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

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Aregbesola further beseeched the Muslims to improve on their self-restraint, self-denial, sacrifice as well as spiritual consciousness that accompanied the fasting period to be better people and true worshippers.

He used the medium to assure Nigerian of President Muhammadu Buhari’s commitment to a peaceful handing-over of power on June 12.

While commending the security agencies for their fight against terrorism, he said FG is committed to the provision of security for the life and property of Nigerians and foreigners.

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He added that Nigerians should be vigilant in reporting suspicious individuals and activities in their areas to law enforcement agencies by doing this, they will be part of the nation’s security architecture.

However, he wished all Muslims a happy Eid el-Fitr celebration.

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