Home Education Bedtime Stories: Some things will never happen again in your lifetime

Bedtime Stories: Some things will never happen again in your lifetime

Arjen Robben, former Dutch footballer (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Bedtime Stories is a News Round The Clock (NRTC) original where we discuss narratives about real life events and other inspirational stories.

On this episode of Bedtime Stories, the author will be admonishing readers to make the best of their lives as they go through each phase of their existence. Life in itself is for living, hence, it is only ideal we create memories for ourselves as certain things will never happen again in our lifetime.

Every individual must accept that certain moments can never be recreated, once it fizzles, you have to accept it and focus on the mounting the next available train.

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Some Things Will Never Happen Again In Your Lifetime

Arjen Robben, former Dutch footballer (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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People often forget to live. They only exist and then die; they failed to pursue their dreams and aspirations, heart desires and other pursuits.

Flowers (Photo Credit: NRTC Library)

They failed to put two fingers in the air and embrace the epicureanism of our existence.

Disheartening, some people did not give themselves the opportunity to fail due to fear; fear of the unknown. They win 100% in their minds because they did not participate nor make a ridicule of themselves.

Perhaps, some people have an extra-life in the terrestrial world.

Interestingly, some things will never happen in your lifetime. You are only as young as the minute is; understand that your time is fickle, it could be annihilated at any point in time.

Make every minute count, live through each minute brick by brick.

Hey, life is beautiful. Live it, love it and embrace each phase as it comes. It’s your life, your rules.

Don’t forget to pursue your dreams, and aspirations. Upskill and develop the skillset that God has bestowed upon you. Your life is your number one business and this is the only opportunity that you have.

Do not squander this chance because something will never happen in your lifetime.

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