Home Lifestyle 5 ways to boost your self-esteem

5 ways to boost your self-esteem

Low Self Worth

In a world where social media is king, it is expected for our self-image to take big hits. I reckon it was easier to stay in our lanes. Now, we are constantly being bombarded with what the next person is doing. This only serves to remind us about what we are not doing. Over time, these feelings can impact our lives. This article will take a look at 5 ways to improve self-esteem in a digital world.

1. Find something that you love

Whether this is a career goal or a hobby, find it and do it diligently. Hobbies have been shown to improve our moods. This will also help take away your mind off unimportant stuff.

2. Believe in a higher power

Human beings are fallible. Thus, it is that belief in something bigger than ourselves that keeps us going.

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3. Cut out negativity

Look in the mirror, start with yourself. Toxicity thrives the most when it comes from within. Often, we believe all the negative things we tell ourselves. Start listening to yourself a little less.

Read also: 5 Ways to Overcome Depression

4. Sit in solitude

Practice relaxing and being alone by yourself. Find a convenient spot and do nothing. Just exist. Oftentimes, it is when we let our minds wander that they run heater-skelter.

5. Reflect

In solitude, practice mindful thinking. Pick one thing to focus on and allow your mind to unravel the hidden layers. Gently bring it back when it starts to roam.

It is ok to feel down every once in a while. However, when it becomes a long term habit, it can impact our lives.


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