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Why do we get our best ideas in the bathroom? Here’s the science behind it

A man in the shower
A man in the shower

Have you ever noticed that some of your best ideas come to you while you’re in the bathroom—whether you’re taking a shower, brushing your teeth, or just having a quiet moment? You’re not alone. Many people experience sudden bursts of creativity in the bathroom, and there’s actually a scientific reason for it. It’s not just about escaping social media or the distractions of daily life—our brains are wired to generate ideas in these moments of calm.

1. The “Default Mode Network” (DMN) of the brain

When you’re in the bathroom, your brain often enters what scientists call the default mode network (DMN). This is a state where your mind isn’t focused on a specific task but instead starts wandering. The DMN is linked to creativity and problem-solving, which is why great ideas tend to pop up when you’re relaxed and not trying too hard to think.

Think about it—have you ever struggled to find a solution to a problem, only to have the answer suddenly come to you while showering? That’s your DMN at work!

2. Dopamine boost can come from warm water

If your best ideas happen in the shower, there’s another factor at play—dopamine. Warm water, relaxation, and the calming effect of a shower can increase dopamine levels in your brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps with creative thinking, motivation, and making new connections between ideas. When your brain is flooded with dopamine, it’s easier to think outside the box.

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3. Fewer distractions often result in more clarity

Let’s be honest—our daily lives are filled with distractions. From social media notifications to emails and phone calls, our minds are constantly bombarded with information. The bathroom is one of the few places where we’re truly alone, without screens demanding our attention. In this quiet space, our brains get a chance to breathe, process thoughts, and form new ideas without interruption.

4. The “incubation effect” in problem-Solving

Another reason we get our best ideas in the bathroom is something called the incubation effect. When you take a break from actively thinking about a problem, your subconscious mind continues working on it in the background. That’s why stepping into the shower or taking a bathroom break can suddenly bring a solution to something you were struggling with. It’s like giving your brain a short vacation, and when you come back, the answers are waiting for you.

So, the next time you find yourself having a brilliant idea in the bathroom, know that it’s not just a coincidence. Your brain thrives in moments of relaxation and quiet. So, if you want to boost your creativity, take more breaks, unplug from distractions, and let your mind wander freely—whether in the bathroom or beyond.



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