Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
It is with deep pain, I write this. Lately in Nigeria, we have been hearing news about girls being molested, abused, harassed, killed. The painful part of this is that the perpetrators are given subtle punishment or even made to go scot free.
Why is this happening? There is a widespread of femicide, sexual abuse and it is so alarming.
![Sexual abuse, rape and femicide](
Photo Credit: Deposit photos
Gone are the days when people say rapists rape because of indecent dressing. Now, I raise you rapists that rape young children, teenagers who are sexually naive.I raise you men that think that one of their rights is women submitting to them sexually.
The news are overwhelming, a 15-year-old boy raping a 14-year-old girl, why?
A man going scot-free after killing his girlfriend and his sister only to kill another innocent girl, why? A landlord raping a young girl and still boasting that the law got nothing on him, in this century!
This is why I carry feminism on my head- that we may not be trampled upon. That we will be able to stand up for those maltreated or mistreated. The law is going soft on hardened criminals. This is utterly unacceptable.
Rapists and sexual abusers cannot be redeemed, they got it wrong from the beginning
There is so little therapy can so for a 15-year-old boy who sees it fit to assault and rape a girl. Some people might trace it to his background, but there is a popular saying that somewhat amounts to a rotten foundation cannot stand a good building.
Offenders who committed rape, sexual abuse or femicide should not be pardoned. They’ve got the foundation wrong, it’s not possible to give them a clean slate. These folks have fundamental problems that cannot be corrected easily. They are like an epidemic that should be ostracised from the society.
The society may have supported the perpetrators
Men by means of societal preference think they’ve got the upper hand and can do whatever they want with women.
These atrocities are mounting upon each other day by day. Insensitive tweets made by men and even women are boosting the morale of wicked perpetrators. Anytime a woman seeks to criticise a man’s insensitive action or behaviour, you’ll see people rallying support for him . The society is making women feel at fault for the evil men do to them.
It’s not about women being careful anymore. The society isn’t safe for them. You know I date this problems back to the cultural orientation. The man is the head, the woman is the subordinate. A woman is never a subordinate to any man.
While psychopathy might be the root of male rapists, abusers in other part of the world, societal preference on the male gender is the root cause of these atrocities in Africa. A boy slaps his sister, his parents look over it because he is the alpha and he is “disciplining” his sister. He then goes from disciplining his sister to mistreating women out there.
Gender inequality and preference as a factor
From time past, a woman is made to feel like she is a commodity that is not purposeful without an owner, a man. This belief is deeply rooted in some women that they can even speak up when a man treats them wrongly. Beating a woman up in some cultural society is putting her to order even though she is no longer a child. This abuse and mistreatment has evolved from time past.
It is just so disappointing that the society still hasn’t wiped those rules and ideologies off the slate. These ideologies have evolved to become worse version resulting to crimes like femicide. Women are dying either emotionally or physically due to this abuse, torture and harassment. The society does not even rate women at all.