Five[5 ]things you must not do in 2023

    New year celebration picture

    Three[3] days into the new year,  there had been several prophetic declarations for the prosperous year of blessings by God/Allah as promised in the Holy Books. God/Allah will certainly meet all the new year expectations because he did not fail or lie as human beings do. 

    Upon his[God] promised blessings, human beings should endeavor to avoid these important things for their aspirations, goals, and vision to be manifest this year. 

    In this article, NRTC highlighted five major things to avoid in the new year to reach goals faster after highlighting some basic things to be embraced in the previous publication. 

    Also read, Five [5] things you should do in 2023

    1. Billing. 

    I would love to borrow lyrics from the popular hit jam “Ma fi billing pami” by Spyro featuring Davido which says “Nobody go dey, When money no dey”.  Have you checked the reasons for your brokenness last year and would you love it to repeat itself this new year? 

    Mr/Mrs spender, do you still want to ball those babes and friends this year or do you still want to be this year Odogwu’? when your mate built houses, set up businesses and did something extraordinary last year. I thought it is a new year and it should be a new resolution, Agba wire wire. 

    In this 2023 which I am very sure you have learned a lesson and you wouldn’t want to walk on last year’s path, the main reason you will be broke is that you plugged in other people’s expenses with yours whether families or not.

    Instead of wondering and worrying about why your brokenness level was so high last year, take action to determine the causes and disconnect all that should be disconnected. 

    Another reason you should be wise with your spending is that you’re wasting a lot of your money on what is not yours. Remember that no one likes to pay for something that they do not use, so why continue to pay for expenses that are sitting idle? 

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you should not take care of your babes, families, or anyone you feel deserves your hard-earned money but too much spending will cause you another havoc this year. Be wise like King Solomon. 

    Also read, 5 Habits to adopt in 2023

    1. Wrong partner. 

    If you are Samson, please don’t pick Delilah. Yes,  Samson, or is it astonishing you why I used the name? We all know from his history that he was a powerful man that died of love. Don’t ever think of Romeo and Juliet but think of him(Samson). I have come across young lads who have asked “Delilah why”?

    Nothing is as awful or destructive as living with someone who doesn’t compliment or make you happy. Oh! Are you still living with him or her because of money or material things? Are you still in that relationship because of fear of being single, low self-esteem, peer pressure, and family pressure among others? 

    If it is true, all these won’t matter when it[the relationship] ends you at six feet. According to research, being in unhealthy relationships can cause several health issues, such as heart problems and strokes, and research suggests chronic stress — which can stem from toxic relationships — can lead to serious diseases, an impaired immune system, and depression.

    Also read, 6 Remarkable Weddings of 2022

    Perhaps you are naïve, but now this article has enlightened you that you should end it and move on. Though you have a new year resolution of “I am no more interested in toxic relationships” or you’re still thinking about the material things it offers you? A journey of a thousand miles commenced with just a step, think wise, sisters and brothers. 

    1. Procrastination.

    For the past three years, your number one new year resolution is to build a house, buy a car, travel abroad, marry that handsome brother and beautiful sister and start having kids, right? Don’t shake your head, I get it right but can I ask you one question? Have you achieved them? If your answer is NO, then it is a procrastination that has been called a thief—the thief of time. I wish it were no worse than a thief. 

    Let me use these two popular quotes maybe you will understand why you must not procrastinate again: “Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin.” “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today.”

    Do I say I understand or concur that life is not easy? Even if it is not easy, what about those who are making it and procrastination does not affect them? Then, check, arises from your slumber and fight against it. 

    It is a new year and you shouldn’t allow procrastination to have serious and inevitable consequences or ruin your life. “Just like stress, the effects are not so obvious until it’s too late and awareness is often not enough impetus to break the vicious cycle,” says scholars. 

    If you fail to fight it now, your career and your reputation might be ruined and you may not be promoted at work or worse you become jobless. 

    In this new year’s resolution of yours, time should be one of the most important things in your life as it is in the world. If you lose money, you can always do something to regain some of it, but with time, it is forever lost. 

    It is the year 2023, the long-awaited year, to end procrastination, the greatest time robbers.

    1. Comparison.

    Last year all you could think of was comparing yourself with others at your place of work or home. You’re depressed because Mr. Johnson bought a new car, built a house, or got promoted but here you are in the same spot. Don’t give yourself high blood pressure, time is everything – no one is using your destiny. 

    According to the Holy Book, one of the fastest ways of discouraging yourself and getting trapped by the sin of envy is when you compare yourself to others. God has a specific plan for you and you won’t accomplish that plan by looking at others. 

    “Count your blessings and not the blessings of someone else. Let God control your life and give Satan no opportunity to discourage you from the purpose God has for you. Know that all you need is Christ. Set your mind at peace by focusing on the Lord,” the Bible verse added. 

    Having read and digested these Bible verses, will you still compare yourself with others? Will you still question God “why not me” I am very sure you won’t or else you will be thieving your own “joy.”

    So, in this new year,  don’t compare yourself to others because you have no idea what their journey is all about. “A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

    1. Complain about everything

    In this new year,  another thing to avoid is complaining about everything that comes your way. He[our creator] knows better and what is good for us, complaining will not change anything. 

    However, it is normal to complain as humans but it can create serious problems in our relationships with our creator. So in this new year instead of complaining ” why me” every day, make a list of things you’re grateful for and appreciate him[God].

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