Sunday, 02 June, 2024

“I don’t believe in God”- Seun Kuti


Nigerian recording artiste, Seun Kuti has stated that he does not believe in God.

The second generation musician stated this in a recent interview with Hip TV.

According to him, he does not believe in the concept that God created the world.

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“I don’t believe in God. Yes, I don’t believe in the concept of this guy watching everyone’s and he will judge you when you die.

“I don’t believe in the concept that people believe in God. Further, I don’t believe that there is something responsible for the creation of the world.

“I mean who wants to create this? If someone actually created this, are we supposed to be giving the person credit?

“80 percent of human beings are living in hunger and we are supposed to be his most prized possession. There is something but not the way we are told that it is.”

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