Home Leading Stories On sexual liberation and its ripple effects on society

On sexual liberation and its ripple effects on society

Sexual Liberation
Sexual Liberation

Sexual liberation is one of the key drivers of societal decay, while at the same it holds deep within it a mechanism of self-correction.

To fully understand the context of sexual liberation wrought by liberal and feminist ideals, let us start with a story.

The story begins with the traditional family, which is the smallest unit of a stable society. The husband goes to work, earns money and “builds” society – streets, buildings, science, industry. Meanwhile, the wife stays at home and “makes” new men, who build society, and new women, who in turn make new men and women.

Both have their daily issues to contend with, the husband may struggle with his daily work and his boss, the wife may struggle with the kids if they are very active, or be bored out of her head if they are relatively docile.

Either way, both have their jobs and tasks, and both are vital to the stability and prosperity of society.

Along the way in the guise of sexual liberation, someone comes along and starts suggesting that women, who are by nature physically weaker than men, are also generally worth less than men.

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This is apparent by the fact that they have to sit at home and care for the kids, while the men “get to” have a career, which for some reason is the better thing to do.

Apparently, as a working man you get all the appreciation, money and freedom you want. You’re the king of the world and can sleep with all the women, and even cheat on your wife if you feel like it. This is new to me personally, but if some activist in the guise of sexual liberation claims it, it must be true.

Enter the great leveller of justice: feminism. Young women are not only told they can do anything, they’re told that they should.

Sleep with all the attractive guys, get all the education, and all the financial success. “Do what we think it is that men do, because it must be better, since they’ve been suppressing us forever.”

So now the young women go out and think that life is about sleeping with as many different men as possible, get as many paper degrees as they can, and make as much money as they can carry home. (Hint: at no time in history was this ever good life advice.)

The results of said sexual liberation? Young women now select their romantic interests not according to future prospects any longer.

Psychological studies show that the things women value in men are resourcefulness, confidence and independence.

Why is that? Well, because a man who has a lot of skills, is confident in them and will follow his instincts is going to be a successful man. In the future, that is.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that a rich man is rich – the key is finding him before he gets rich, because then you can still create mutual investment.

Which man would appreciate a woman who loves him only for his money? How much more of a compliment is it, if a woman deems a man as worthy and believes that he will be successful in the future, so much so that she is willing to invest her time in him? It’s the greatest compliment a man can ever receive, especially if she’s willing to give him her “best years”. Now all those psychological studies are worthless.

Women spend their best years extracting all the attention they can out of men: the unattractive ones for when they feel like being spoiled, the attractive ones when they feel like getting some action.

Women may complain men treat them as objects – and they are surely right in some cases – but they have, on the whole, come to treat men as objects as well.

Further, due to sexual liberation, they have invited objectifying behavior by advertising themselves via visual stimuli exclusively, and identifying with their Instagram pictures. A woman who sleeps with as many different men as possible, even or especially if they are attractive, treats herself as an object. Over time, she comes to feel like an object, but falsely blames men for it.

This leads to fewer and later marriages, large swaths of men who almost never experience intimacy, women who are deeply unhappy and feel betrayed after their party years. This creates an abyss between the sexes, further, it creates singular people who are unhappy and turn to materialism to fill the eternal void in their hearts.

Fewer children are born to build the future, or even keep the state we have in the present alive. Further, these children do not enjoy an upbringing in a stable family with mom and dad: no, everybody debauches around whenever they can, and the only thing they care about is dollars and likes. Everything is to be measured in numbers, everything else is worthless.

The self-correcting mechanism is chaos, plain and simple. The fewer people work for the good of society, the easier it is for the most corrupt to take the steering wheel.

What generally follows is a collapse of society, wars, strife and chaos, until finally strong, virtuous men manage to unite societies under their banner, and base their prosperity on the family unit and a unified system of laws and beliefs.

In our modern times, once everything has collapsed (however that may look) those men who have had to deal with hardship will take back power. It’s not going to be the guys who get all the (female) attention – they have no strength of character, as they never needed to develop any, and their Instagram posts are not going to build anything. It’s certainly not going to be unhappy “cat ladies” or shallow, immature women. Neither is it going to be “incels” who blame women for all their problems.

Instead, it will be a large group of men, who have silently worked for their own betterment, and who by now are so fed up with society that they’d rather see it collapse than partake in it. I strongly believe they are going to be the future good men.

The kind of men who have had it with woke culture and won’t, no, physically can’t take it anymore. The men (and women) who believe in a future for humans, not robots, machines and numbers.

There is a new generation of people coming up, and they are going to rise from the pile of garbage we have created like a phoenix from the ashes.

Like past generations before them, they will see where we went wrong, and will vow not to make the same mistakes due to sexual liberation. Let’s hope they can save us – and let’s help them as good as we can. It’s our future as much as theirs.

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