Home Leading Stories Sharif-Aminu: The Need to Calm Down on Religious Fanaticism

Sharif-Aminu: The Need to Calm Down on Religious Fanaticism

Yahaya Sharif-Aminu

Man was not made for religion. Religion was made for man. The quest to attain peace and divine guidance made me seek for God. The urge to know Him personally brews from the desire to have regular communication without a mediator.

Over the years, I have come to understand that God cares about me and He listens to me. Most especially, He is kind and faithful. However, there have been many cases of religious intolerance in the world that makes me question some decisions of the Almighty.

Beyond my unending questions, I am befuddled by the religious fanaticism that holds sway in our communities.

Photo Source: Religious Quotes

The act of religious fanaticism has spurred some persons to refer to some spiritual leaders as the god of men. And not men of God. We cannot sweep under the carpet, the many atrocities committed in the name of religion.

Moreso, we are not ignorant of the fact these religious leaders are human and are prone to mistakes. Nevertheless, Timothy in the New Testament, talked about the characters a religious leader should possess. Even Prophet Eli was dealt with when his household went astray in the Old Statement.

Ills Committed in the Name of Religious Fanaticism

In the name of religion, can we forget what Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab did on Christmas Day, 2009? Oh! And to think that it was a “holy” day for Christians to venerate the birth of the son of Almighty God.

Umar Abdulmutallab (Photo Source: HistoryVille -Facebook)

23-year-old Abdullmuttalab (now 33) was caught trying to bomb a United States-bound airplane. When asked the reason for his action, he said he did it for Allah. He did not just want to kill himself for Allah on Christmas Day; he wanted to add over a 100 persons on board. All in the name of religion!

That reprehensible act still stains the image of this country. Beyond the tag of a corrupt nation, terrorism added insult to the injury. The activities of Islamic sect Boko Haram, are not helping matters either. Their attacks have escalated from the churches to the mosques, markets, homes, and now to daring the Nigerian Army in exchanging gun fires.

There is nothing wrong with religion. In fact, it has brought solace to a lot of persons. At various times in our lives, we have had to give kudos to the creator for His endless support and grace. However, can we show more love and understanding of our faith rather than spreading hate? There is more to this religious fanaticism that meets the eye.

Falz Vs MURIC: A Case Study on Religious Fanaticism

Popular singer Falz got his fair share of attack from religious fanatics. Islamic body – Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) – asked him to bring down one of his music videos because it had some ladies dancing while they adorned the hijab.

In his song “This is Nigeria’’, Folarin Falana aka Falz talked about the rot in the Nigerian system. He also addressed unscrupulous acts committed in the name of religion. Mind you, it wasn’t just Islam that was portrayed in the video. Besides, the Christian leaders who thrive in wrong doing got a larger share of the bashing.

Regardless, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, human rights activist, and father to the musician, Femi Falana, stated that his son did nothing wrong according to the constitution. The law spoke and the matter died down.

Read Also: Fahim Saleh: Slain on the Altar of his Goodness

We have had cases where Christian leaders commit dastardly acts with the tag of ‘Pastor’. How can we forget Chukwuemeka Ezeugo popularly known as Reverend King? He is the founder of the Christian Praying Assembly. He was the head of the church until 2006. Rev. King committed many shameful acts in the name of being a spiritual leader who sees visions of his members.

Rev. King (Photo Source: Sahara Reporters)

The Lagos High Court found Ezeugo guilty of murder and attempted murder on 11 January 2007. He was later sentenced to death by hanging. On February 26, 2017, the ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

UK Stands Against Death Penalty

A recent case of religious fanaticism is the decision of a Shari’a court in Kano state to sentence Yahaya Sharif-Aminu, to death for a song he did about the Prophet Muhammed and circulated on WhatsApp. He is accused of committing blasphemy.

Image: Twitter

The life of the 22-year-old Yahaya Sharif-Aminu has gathered reactions from across the world including the United Kingdom and the United States.

Christopher Ogunmodele, the Senior Press and Public Affairs Officer, British High Commission, has affirmed that the United Kingdom preaches against the death penalty. Likewise, it believes that it is the right of individuals to express themselves and challenge authorities peacefully. Also, the Commission stated that they are watching the matter closely.

Although ill comments should not be encouraged among persons, this is not to negate the need for people to express what and how they feel accordingly. Besides, no religious body has the right to end the life of any citizen. Practice love, kindness, hope, diligence, and good governance with religion and not hate, bigotry, and intolerance.


  1. Being a fanatic is a great thing. Jesus and the earlier apostles were, they understand who they were, but the difference between them and those who give into violence is understanding and the nature of God. Is just like being a fan of a club. There are fanatics but understanding is what separate fanatics. And on the case of the guy who is about to be hanged, it’s just not right. No one should be killed or punished for expressing his or her opinion on a subject matter with regards to the politicians who are instigating a hate bill law should be passed for anyone who airs their opinion as regards to those who are in authority. So it goes beyond being fanatic, people just use their position of authority to either oppress people or do better in the lives of people

    • Religious fanaticism is an area where critical analysis will be required. We don’t know if it has become an asset or a liability.

  2. To me being a Christian is different from a religious person. There is more on this topic than this. But thanks for bring this to everyone attention.

  3. A good write up, religion is supposed to bring about peace and love, not violence. People choose to interpret the teachings of the Bible and Quran to suit their own agenda. Violence is never the way

  4. My opinion on this one is that we should ask the government that is trying to sentence the young man to death, what has he blasphemed about in the song. However, this is a democracy and we all have the right to our own opinions, right to talk and the rest. What our leaders are doing that is worse, who is killing them. Now they are using their position to oppress the citizen.

  5. “Religion was made for man”
    Hmmmm. What I have come to understand is, the mind is fickle and easily swayed that is why we have a lot of fake religious leaders brainwashing ignorant followers.
    It is sad to see that people place Religion over Humanity. Quite sad

  6. Hummmmmmmmm, when are we going to trash this religion mentality in this nation. Great article anyway thanks for sharing

  7. Well thought article, well done!
    After all said and done…it is not how well we protect our religion that matters alone. More importantly is our relationship with our maker.

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